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Books by Author Dr. W. Casey Bearden, Chiropractor (Nashville, TN)

Dr. Bearden is an award winning chiropractor in Nashville and has written two books: The Chiropractic Way to Health The Chiropractic Way to Health, the Ultimate Self-help Guide for Chiropractic Patients (The Chiropractic Way to Avoid Back Surgery and Prescription Drugs and Getting You Back into Action and Keeping You Off the Surgical Table .


The Chiropractic Way to Health: the Ultimate Self-help Guide for Chiropractic Patients

The Chiropractic Way to Health: the Ultimate Self-help Guide for Chiropractic Patients teaches the best ways to improve your health without resorting to surgery and/or prescription drugs. You will learn how to strengthen your core and improve your health at home. Included are proven techniques such as yoga ball routines, stretching exercises and strength training. Dr. Bearden believes that what his patients do after they leave his office matters just as much as the treatments they receive in the office. This is a must-have for anyone who cares about their overall health.

The Chiropractic Way to Health is available on Amazon or in our clinic for purchase.

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Getting You Back into Action, and Keeping You Off the Surgical Table

Dr. Bearden’s second book, Getting You Back into Action, and Keeping You Off the Surgical Table, was written to help teach the following:

  • How to stay active – pain free
  • How to stay out of doctor’s offices and on the field of life.
  • How and why celebrities use chiropractic
  • How to minimize lifetime medical bills
  • Why choose chiropractic first, drugs second, and surgery last.

Getting You Back into Action and Keeping You off the Surgical Table is available on Amazon or in our clinic for purchase.

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