Food Sensitivity Testing

Have you been feeling your best lately? The answer could be in your food.

HOW DOES FOOD AFFECT ME? - The food we eat affects everything we do. Food plays a role in mental health, energy levels, weight and muscle gain/loss, skin complexion, and everything in between. Over the last decade a lot of information has been discovered about food's relationship with inflammation. Our bodies do their best to keep symptoms related to this inflammation to something minimal like gas or bloating but sometimes our bodies aren't able to contain the damage. 

WHAT SYMPTOMS WOULD I HAVE? - A lot of attention is placed on symptom management. How can we feel better? A better question to ask is why am I having these symptoms? The answer is often inflammation. Inflammation is the root cause of many acute and chronic conditions. Food related issues can manifest in a variety of ways. Here are some of the symptoms or conditions you may be experiencing:

DIGESTIVE: Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, heart burn, reflux, leaky gut, irritable bowel, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, ulcers 

MENTAL: Mood swings, fatigue, depression, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, junk food cravings

MUSCULOSKELETAL: Joint pain, muscle fatigue, muscle aches

OTHER: Candida (yeast infection), bags under eyes, autoimmune diseases, rashes, itchiness, skin irritation, acne, nasal congestion, water retention

A healthy body starts with healthy food and healthy digestion. The best place to start is a Food Inflammation Test aka a FIT test. With a FIT test we can learn which foods are causing inflammatory responses to your body and how severe those responses are. Additionally, our FIT tests include a test for both candida and zonulin. The candida test will indicate if there is candida (yeast) present in the body and the zonulin test indicates if there is a leaky gut.

WHAT TO EXPECT - The test consists of a simple poke of a finger in order to get 5 drops of blood on the collection card. We then send the card to the lab for the testing to be conducted. The results of the test will be available in about 7-10 days. Following the FIT test we put a comprehensive plan together to begin to reduce the inflammation in the gut and start healing the body. 

WHAT CAN I DO? - Don't let food sensitivities hold you back from living your best life. At Boots Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness through personalized care and advanced testing options. Contact us today to schedule your food sensitivity testing and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you.



  • What lab company do you use?
    • At Boots Chiropractic our food testing is done via KBMO Diagnostics. We do the blood test in office then send it to KBMO's lab for the sample to be analyzed.
  • What are my options for FIT tests?
    • There are three main choices of tests. FIT 22, FIT 132, and FIT 176. The number associated with each test is the number of different foods and food additives that are tested. (Example: FIT 22, 22 foods are tested)
  • Is anything else included?
    • The FIT 22 test does not include any additional services or tests.
    • The FIT 132 and FIT 176 tests include candida and zonulin tests with no added cost. Additionally both tests come with a one week meal plan put together by KBMO's nutrition team based on your specific results.

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