

At Boots Chiropractic, we know that being pregnant is a blessing and an exciting experience! We also know that pregnancy presents a significant stress on the human body. Pregnancy comes with some normal growing pains but along the way other pains arise that you may think you need to live with. In most cases a chiropractic adjustment would alleviate those pains. Those that have been pregnant before know very well that back pain and sciatica are common symptoms of pregnancy. Chiropractic has been proven to decrease back pain and effectively treat sciatica, but those aren’t the only pregnancy symptoms that can be helped with chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic can help reduce nausea, ease some of the labor and delivery pains, reduce potential complications of delivery, encourage proper baby positioning prior to delivery, and remove nerve obstruction along the spine allowing for an overall healthier pregnancy.

You may be wondering how you will be able to lay on the adjusting table. We have a number of ways to comfortably and safely adjust pregnant women from the first month to the last month of pregnancy. 

In addition to the numerous benefits from chiropractic alone, the doctors at Boots Chiropractic & Wellness Center are trained and certified in nutritional counseling. As nutritional counsellors they are ready to help mother and baby be as healthy as possible. With all the prenatal and postnatal nutrition advice being thrown at you during this important time, turn to the doctors at Boots Chiropractic for guidance and proper supplementation. 

The additional weight and stress on the framework of the body during pregnancy can cause pain in almost any part of the body. Because pregnant women are often reluctant to take any over-the-counter and prescription pain relievers, they often turn to chiropractic care to help alleviate pains associated with pregnancy. In addition, we can also offer lifestyle (especially nutrition and exercise) advice specific to the expectant mother.

If you have any questions or concerns about being adjusted while pregnant, give us a call today at (920)997-9700 and learn more about having a less painful and less stressful pregnancy.


If you have or currently are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call our office today to set up an appointment. 

For emergencies call 9-1-1

Boots Chiropractic & Wellness Center

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8:00 am - 11:00 am



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