What are FAQs about Cold Laser Therapy

What are FAQs about Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy FAQs

Cold laser therapy is an ideal complement to chiropractic care in Troy and can give you pain relief.

What Is Cold Laser Therapy?

Cold laser therapy uses low energy lasers in order to treat different medical conditions, such as inflammation, aches, injuries, sprains, and pain. It also helps promote wound healing and skin rejuvenation.

How Does It Work?

The laser is introduced to the affected area. The treatment duration will be determined by the severity of the condition being treated. During this time, the light from the laser light penetrates deep into the skin to the affected tissue. Once the laser light has penetrated the skin, it begins a process called photobiomodulation, in which natural healing is facilitated.

Is It Painful?

The procedure is painless. You may feel a warm sensation since the nerves are being stimulated, but this ends after treatment is finished.

How Often Do You Need Treatment?

Since every person and condition is different, the frequency of treatment is something you and your chiropractor will work out. A typical session lasts about ten minutes and most people require an average of six to twenty sessions.

Why Choose Cold Laser Therapy?

People choose cold laser therapy for many different reasons. It is medically proven and helps treat the cause of the pain, instead of just treating symptoms. It’s non-invasive and painless. There also aren’t any medicines involved in cold laser therapy, so it is a good option for those who want to avoid relying on prescription medicines for pain relief.

What Are Some Health Conditions Cold Laser Therapy Helps Relieve?

There are many conditions that respond to cold laser therapy. These include migraine, carpal tunnel, deep bruising, ligament and tendon issues, rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, and fibromyalgia.

How Long Until You Feel Results?

Many people experience results within two sessions. Results can almost be immediate, but some people do need up to eight sessions to feel improvement.

Contact Our Chiropractor for Cold Laser Therapy Treatment

If you are interested in cold laser therapy in Troy, contact us at The Chiropractic Studio PLLC.

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