Starting the New Year Right

Starting the New Year Right

The holidays are over and the New Year has begun. Have you made a pledge for better health in 2015?

Health is one of the most common resolutions made around New Year’s time, but many people have trouble following through on their goals. Here are some tips to help you move towards a healthier year to come.

Mental Health

Your mental state is important to maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle. Everyone should focus on ways he/she can improve his/her mental state.  There are many ways to do this without spending a lot of time or money in the process:

Take care of your body. Regular exercise and a balanced diet will directly impact your emotional state, including your decreasing your stress and increasing energy levels.

Volunteer in your community. Giving back provides a “feel good” emotion that benefits the emotional health of the giver.

Take a break. Turning off all devices and just relaxing is an excellent way to revitalize your mind.

Hug a loved one. Your body releases oxytocin, resulting in a pleasant experience that will combat feelings of depression.

Focus on the positives in your life. When we are thankful what we have, more goodness can follow. The law of attraction works with an attitude of gratitude.

Physical Health

Losing weight, getting in shape and feeling better about personal appearance are just some of the reasons many people set goals regarding their physical health. Small, simple changes can make a big difference in the way your feel physically:

Drink more water. Your body needs water for every function and most Americans aren’t drinking nearly enough.

Add more greens. Veggies are excellent sources of fiber, vitamins and nutrients with very low levels of fat, carbs and sugars.

Snack more. Ever been told to cut out the small snacks? Well, don’t! Small, healthy snacks (such as, celery, cucumbers, almond butter, almonds or hard-boiled eggs) will help keep meals smaller and regulate blood sugar levels.

Take a walk. Mild exercise in the fresh air is good for your mind and body.

Improving Your Overall Health

At Back To Health Family Chiropractic, we focus on helping each patient achieve better health. We treat pain, maintain healthy patients and support those looking into lifestyle changes. Get on the fast track to better health. Call us today and schedule your first appointment!

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