Chiropractic Care Can Help Keep Migraine Pain at Bay

Chiropractic Care Can Help Keep Migraine Pain at Bay

Fort Worth chiropractic for migraines.jpgAnyone who suffers from migraines knows that they are not your typical headache. These crippling attacks cause range of symptoms including agonizing head pain, nausea, light or sound hypersensitivity and visual "auras." While science does not have a magic pill to make these attacks go away, here at Back To Health Family Chiropractic, we offer the next best thing -- natural treatments that can help you control the condition.

Some migraines and other forms of headache are brought on by a traumatic injury or spinal misalignment. For instance, whiplash typically causes neck pain, but it can also bring on chronic headaches or migraines. In these cases, spinal adjustments that relieve pinched cervical nerves relieve not only the neck pain but also that pain in the head. Other migraines are more difficult to account for, though specific triggers such as food, weather or hormonal changes can set them off. 

Chronic migraines are the result of increased intracranial and neurological pressure due to a blockage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood flow at the base of the skull. Atlas Orthogonal specific upper cervical chiropractic spinal adjustments have been shown through pre and post upper cervical MRI studies to remove interference at the brain stem and restore proper CSF flow and Vertebral Artery patency. 

Often one of the many positive side effects of removing the pressure in this manner is a decrease in pain symptoms including migraines. Our wellness and supportive care services can even help you ward off future attacks. Nutritional and lifestyle counseling can educate you on which activities, foods or other potential triggers to remove from your life, while periodic evaluations and adjustments can ensure that new misalignments do not creep in and cause new migraine issues.

Get Your Natural Migraine Treatment from Our Ft. Worth Chiropractor

Whether you have suffered from migraines all your life or you are experiencing them as a side effect on a recent injury, our Ft. Worth chiropractor, Dr. Michlin, can devise an ongoing care program to help prevent those debilitating attacks from occurring. Let us be your road to healthy pain relief!

When did you first start getting migraines? Was there a specific cause or trigger?

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