Learn How Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments Can Better Manage and Alleviate Your Fibromyalgia Pain

Learn How Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments Can Better Manage and Alleviate Your Fibromyalgia Pain

pain management in Fort Worth for fibromyalgia.jpgHas chronic pain, stiffness or tenderness made your life miserable? Fibromyalgia pain may develop slowly over time, until it completely takes over your life. You may fear going to bed and not being able to get up in the morning or worry about becoming dependent on painkillers in order to function. If this sounds like you, our Fort Worth chiropractor can help you find a natural way to find pain relief.

Fort Worth Natural Pain Management for Fibromyalgia

Many of our patients come to us feeling desperate and hopeless. After years of trying other treatments, our patients wonder if anything can ever relieve their pain. Some of our patients have been suffering from extreme pain, including headaches which have lasted years on end. For others, constant tenderness and stiffness makes relief seem impossible.

While we do not cure fibromyalgia, Atlas adjustments remove the interference and allow your brain to effectively communicate with your body again. Drawing on more than two decades of experience and knowledge, our chiropractor Dr. Chris Michlin provides relief and long-lasting pain management solutions that really work. Heres how we can help:

#1: Correct the problem triggering your pain. When the spine is out of alignment, the central nervous system is unable to effectively communicate with the brain. This can lead to an amplification of pain signals and other health problems. For many fibromyalgia patients, a misalignment of the atlas vertebra (the top vertebra in the spine) may be triggering this pain. Our Atlas Orthogonal Adjusting Instrument  allows Dr. Michlin to adjust the atlas vertebra in a gentle and specific manner. Dr. Michlin also adjusts individual vertebra throughout the spine for overall relief and health.  . His care progressively relieves traumatized nerves and helps relax the muscles in the arms, back, neck, and legs.

#2: Stop fatigue before it stops you. Chronic fatigue is one of the most common fibromyalgia symptoms. Dr. Michlin understands that there is a difference between a busy lifestyle and chronic fatigue. Spinal misalignments can cause chronic fatigue in addition to triggering pain. Chiropractic adjustments bring energy back to the body and support a natural sleep/wake cycle.

Have you tried chiropractic care for pain management?

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