Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments: Learn How This Treatment Can Change Your Life!

Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments: Learn How This Treatment Can Change Your Life!

Untreated injuries from an auto accident or personal injury can lead to a lifetime of chronic pain. For example a whiplash injury may cause a misalignment in the cervical spine, whipping the neck beyond its normal range of motion. When this occurs, you may suffer from chronic neck pain, headaches, and migraines. As long as this misalignment persists, so will the pain.

Personal Injury Pain Management

Atlas Orthogonal adjusting for back and neck pain management.jpgIf you struggle with chronic neck or back pain, chiropractic care can help. Our chiropractor offers Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments, an adjustment technique that focuses on the vertebrae at the top of the spine. Here are three ways how an Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment can help with natural pain management:

#1: Address the underlying cause for headaches and neck pain. Are you relying on medication to manage chronic pain? Unfortunately, once medication wears off, the pain will return. Chiropractic care, like the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, works by addressing the underlying cause for pain. When the top vertebra is out of adjustment, the entire spine is misaligned. Restoring alignment to the top vertebra helps the spine fall into place. This reduces pressure on the nerves and naturally manages pain.

#2: Manage multiple sclerosis pain and symptoms. New research suggests that the buildup of cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull may trigger MS lesions. A traumatic injury to the cervical spine may trigger this fluid buildup. Atlas Orthogonal adjustments may help reduce or even stop the buildup of cerebrospinal fluid. Adjusting the atlas vertebra may help stop damage from occurring or even reverse damage that has already occurred to the brains nerve fibers, which helps better manage MS pain and symptoms.

#3: Reduce the risk for future injury and pain. A misaligned spine places the entire body at risk for illness and injury. Since the atlas is the top vertebra in the spine, it is like the top link in a chain. Keeping this link aligned helps the entire chain fall into place. Regular chiropractic care adjustments support proper spinal alignment.

Imagine your life with less back pain, thanks to Atlas Orthogonal adjustments. What would you do if you woke up without any pain?

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