Eat Well, Feel Great: Three Nutrition Tips from Ft. Worth Chiropractor

Eat Well, Feel Great: Three Nutrition Tips from Ft. Worth Chiropractor

Our body is an amazing machine, but it loses some power when we fuel it with foods that are less than good for us. Back to Health Family Chiropractic knows how vital good nutrition is to our patients health. Our Ft. Worth chiropractor Dr. Chris Michlin and his partner Nancy Michlin can design an inpidualized nutrition plan that suits your specific needs.

Ft. Worth chiropractor gives nutrition tips.jpgMaking Smart Nutrition Choices for Whole Body Wellness

Substitute Healthier Choices. Our Ft. Worth chiropractors first tip notes that the food you eat can either be hurting or helping your body. For instance, foods high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure. Foods high in fat and calories can lead to obesity, which can also lead to high blood pressure and other health issues. Other stress-inducing foods include those laden with chemicals or highly processed. Healthier choices include organically grown produce and whole foods like quinoa, nuts, legumes, and oats.

Avoid trigger foods. Trigger foods are any that cause an uncomfortable or allergic reaction in your body. The reaction can be in the form of a headache, migraine, hives, rashes, or any number of symptoms. Our chiropractic center can help pinpoint your specific trigger foods through a simple blood test or by helping you to keep a food dairy. Monosodium glutamate is a frequent culprit for headaches and migraines, as are foods such as hot dogs that are high in nitrates.

Eat right for injury recovery. Healing foods are particularly vital when recovering from an injury. While back pain, neck pain, other symptoms may not seem they are directly linked to the foods you eat, eating the right food combinations can promote a more rapid injury recovery. The right food combinations depend on your particular injury, but proteins, foods high in vitamin C, trace minerals and a good mix of the proper fats are generally beneficial for rebuilding injured soft tissues and muscles as well as alleviating associated back pain and other agony. Foods that contain antioxidants can be useful for back pain that comes with swelling, as the antioxidants can decrease the risk of damage done by free radicals released during chronic inflammation.

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