How Chiropractic Care Can Make a Difference for MS Patients

If you or someone you love has recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), its natural to feel overwhelmed, confused and scared. While there is currently no known cure for MS, traditional medical treatments include medications to treat MS attacks and modify the diseases course. However, you may be wondering if these medications are really the best treatment option. If you are searching for an alternative treatment for MS, then our Fort Worth chiropractic care team can help.

Chiropractic Care: Alternative Treatment for MS

From diagnosis to an alternative treatment for MS, our licensed chiropractor Dr. Chris Michlin Fort Worth chiroprator provides alternative treatment for MShas helped many MS patients just like you. Fonar Upright MRI scans are available through American Dynamic Imaging for MS patients. The Fonar Upright MRI is a major diagnostic breakthrough in the understanding and treatment of multiple sclerosis.

If you are new to alternative treatment for MS, then its natural to have questions about chiropractic care. Heres how our treatments may be able to make a difference for multiple sclerosis patients.

How has the Fonar Upright MRI changed our understanding of multiple sclerosis?

According to a research study conducted by MRI researchers Raymond V. Damadian and David Chu, MS lesions in a patients brain may be directly connected with the presence of excessive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A traumatic injury such as Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration (CAD/ Whiplash) injury to the cervical spine or cranium may cause a corking effect on the brainstem at the base of the skull. The corking effect of the brainstem then leads to a buildup of CSF in the brain and increased intracranial pressure. MS lesions and damage to the nerve fibers of the brain have been observed with Fonar upright MRI as a direct result of increased intracranial pressure.

How can chiropractic care make a difference for MS patients?

This discovery is significant because by eliminating the blockage of CSF flow, we can help prevent damage to the brain that contributes to MS. Chiropractic care, specifically Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments, have been shown by pre and post Upright MRI studies to correct the underlying misalignment that may be contributing to CSF build up.

How can Atlas Orthogonal adjustments help my spine?

Research consistently links problems with the Atlas vertebra to numerous health problems caused by spinal misalignment. The Atlas is like the first link in a chain. When this first link is properly aligned, then the entire spine can fall into place. Dr. Michlin is the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in North Texas.

Have you received Atlas Orthogonal adjustments?

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