Atlas Orthogonal Treatment for Neck Pain

neck pain

When you are in need of care for neck pain from a chiropractor in Fort Worth, TX, you can count on Dr. Chris Michlin from Back To Health Family Chiropractic. Dr. Michlin trained at Palmer College of Chiropractic and is the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in North Texas. Atlas Orthogonal is a specialized, gentle and specific type of chiropractic care that uses the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument to carefully realign the area where your head and your neck meet. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic care effectively treats neck pain and other issues that may occur throughout your body. In very little time, Dr. Michlin can help find, and share with you, solutions to your neck pain.

What is Atlas Orthogonal Alignment?

The Atlas bone (C1) is the first vertebra in the neck. Since it is the first and top-most bone in your spine, the Atlas quite literally holds up your head. The Atlas is also the vertebra that is responsible for 50% of your head’s rotation. Having your Atlas properly aligned is critically important to avoid pain and discomfort in your neck and body.

Orthogonal is an engineering term that means 90 degrees. Having your atlas in the orthogonal position means having your head on top of your neck and your atlas perpendicular (90 degrees) to your head and neck. In other words, it is getting your head on straight!

Atlas Orthogonal Treatment

When the Atlas bone is misaligned even just the slightest bit, it strains the ligaments and muscles that support the head and neck. Once misaligned, the offset atlas causes numerous compensatory imbalances throughout the body. These misalignments are often the source of various types of pain and discomfort. The most obvious symptom of having your atlas misaligned can be pain resonating in your neck.

The most gentle, specific and reproduceable way to realign the Atlas bone is to use the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument. Using precise upper cervical imaging analysis, Dr. Michlin will measure your atlas misalignment to a hundredth of a degree. Using those vectors, Dr. Michlin will utilize the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument to put your head quite literally on straight. Children say that the adjustment tickles and adults say that they do not feel the adjustment. Either way, children and adults alike feel dramatic results in their bodies after having the atlas realigned to the orthogonal position. This procedure is safe and effective for patients of all ages. For detailed information, please follow this link:

Chiropractor in Fort Worth, TX

When you are in need of treatment for neck pain, or are experiencing any other bodily discomforts, call Dr. Chris Michlin from Back To Health Family Chiropractic. We offer Atlas Orthogonal and full spine chiropractic care to remove the neurological interference which contributes to pain and dysfunction within the body. Find us here in the DFW region. To make an appointment, give our Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal doctor a call at (817) 810-9111 or submit an appointment form on our website: Reach out to us today!

neck pain

When you are in need of care for neck pain from a chiropractor in Fort Worth, TX, you can count on Dr. Chris Michlin from Back To Health Family Chiropractic. Dr. Michlin trained at Palmer College of Chiropractic and is the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in North Texas. Atlas Orthogonal is a specialized, gentle and specific type of chiropractic care that uses the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument to carefully realign the area where your head and your neck meet. Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic care effectively treats neck pain and other issues that may occur throughout your body. In very little time, Dr. Michlin can help find, and share with you, solutions to your neck pain.

What is Atlas Orthogonal Alignment?

The Atlas bone (C1) is the first vertebra in the neck. Since it is the first and top-most bone in your spine, the Atlas quite literally holds up your head. The Atlas is also the vertebra that is responsible for 50% of your head’s rotation. Having your Atlas properly aligned is critically important to avoid pain and discomfort in your neck and body.

Orthogonal is an engineering term that means 90 degrees. Having your atlas in the orthogonal position means having your head on top of your neck and your atlas perpendicular (90 degrees) to your head and neck. In other words, it is getting your head on straight!

Atlas Orthogonal Treatment

When the Atlas bone is misaligned even just the slightest bit, it strains the ligaments and muscles that support the head and neck. Once misaligned, the offset atlas causes numerous compensatory imbalances throughout the body. These misalignments are often the source of various types of pain and discomfort. The most obvious symptom of having your atlas misaligned can be pain resonating in your neck.

The most gentle, specific and reproduceable way to realign the Atlas bone is to use the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument. Using precise upper cervical imaging analysis, Dr. Michlin will measure your atlas misalignment to a hundredth of a degree. Using those vectors, Dr. Michlin will utilize the Atlas Orthogonal Precision Adjusting Instrument to put your head quite literally on straight. Children say that the adjustment tickles and adults say that they do not feel the adjustment. Either way, children and adults alike feel dramatic results in their bodies after having the atlas realigned to the orthogonal position. This procedure is safe and effective for patients of all ages. For detailed information, please follow this link:

Chiropractor in Fort Worth, TX

When you are in need of treatment for neck pain, or are experiencing any other bodily discomforts, call Dr. Chris Michlin from Back To Health Family Chiropractic. We offer Atlas Orthogonal and full spine chiropractic care to remove the neurological interference which contributes to pain and dysfunction within the body. Find us here in the DFW region. To make an appointment, give our Board Certified Atlas Orthogonal doctor a call at (817) 810-9111 or submit an appointment form on our website: Reach out to us today!

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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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