
Car Accident Care

Car accidents can have a traumatic effect on their victims, both physically and emotionally. Often, people are unaware of their injuries until weeks following the incident. The providers at True Health Chiropractic in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, work to provide comprehensive care to ensure you receive a complete evaluation. Dr. Evan Grainger and Dr. Jaime Shaver-Grainger will help you achieve successful rehabilitation of your injury. If you or a loved one has recently suffered from an accident, call True Health Chiropractic at 843-663-3377 to schedule a complimentary consultation. 

Common Car Accident Questions:

What are common injuries following an auto accident?

Many times, auto accidents can leave you with neck and back pain, whiplash injuries, or soft tissue injuries. You can experience so much muscle pain and stiffness that it impedes your day-to-day functions. This discomfort, on top of other injuries, can be a serious issue.

How do you know if you are suffering from whiplash?

Patients typically assume that only high-speed accidents cause whiplash. However, all it takes is a 2-3 mph change in speed.

Some people experience the most common indicators of whiplash right away. These include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Dizziness
  • Reduced flexibility
  • Arm pain

Aside from those symptoms, whiplash sufferers might deal with minor back injuries, ligament problems, disc damage, and muscle injuries.

However, other patients don't deal with any noticeable problems after a car accident. They tend to think they're just "stiff" or "sore," but a severe injury could, in fact, be developing.

Why seek chiropractic care after an auto accident?

It’s common not to realize that your car accident injured you, only to later suffer discomfort or headaches much later. Being proactive about your health and receiving a chiropractic evaluation right away can benefit you later on.

Chiropractic care views you as a whole individual rather than just focusing on the body part giving you the most trouble. Serious health problems can develop if your injuries go unnoticed or untreated.

How do chiropractors address whiplash?

At True Health Chiropractic in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina your doctor will take X-rays and complete a full spine exam to determine if you have injuries to your neck or spine. They can also perform chiropractic adjustments to help align your spine, which puts your body in the best position to heal and recover as quickly as possible.

The providers at True Health Chiropractic can help relieve your pain with the help of chiropractic adjustments, as well as provide exercises that can act as physical therapy for injuries, and give you nutritional advice that can aid with the healing process.

Whether you have just experienced an auto accident, or you’re suffering from symptoms as a result of an auto accident in the past, call True Health Chiropractic to schedule an appointment to get the rehabilitation you need.


Office Hours


8:30 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm



3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm





