
Written Testimonials

Name: Nell S.

Health Problems: My health problems, while not major, were the ones that hinder life enjoyment.
I had:
1. Tension and aching in my neck and shoulders
2. Indigestion
3. Skin Rashes
4. Overweight

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic:

Medical prescriptions from doctors. Every trip seemed
like more prescriptions with increasing doses.

Changes in health since coming to True Health Chiropractic:
1. I have cut way back on my medications and intend to decrease to zero.
2. I feel better in my everyday life!
3. My rashes are gone.
4. Indigestion is much improved.
5. I have lost weight gradually by learning the correct way to eat and the proper foods to eat.
6. I am more alert about what I put into my body!

Name: Deb G.

Health Problems:
1. High Blood Pressure
2. Acid Reflux
3. Irregular Bowel Movements
4. Insomnia
5. Hard time handling stress
6. Feeling Overwhelmed
7. Overweight
8. High Cholesterol

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic: I tried traditional chiropractic for back and neck pain.
I was taking 3 medications for high blood pressure, medications for acid reflux, bowel movements, and insomnia.
I was not being consistent with eating right or exercising.

Changes in health since being care at True Health Chiropractic:
1. NO MEDICATIONS except vitamins/minerals/probiotics!!
2. 10 pounds away from my goal weight.
3. Ability to deal with stress is much improved.
4. Don't feel overwhelmed...optimistic and joyful most of the time.
5. Eating organic/no hormones/no antibiotics/no pesticides as much as possible.
6. 50% of mercury fillings have been removed, I will do all.

For years and years I had been praying to God to help me be healthy. I tried different things, but knew I was missing what God wanted for me (I thought I was doing what He wanted me to do regarding my health,like taking medications and exercising(not consistent though)) etc.
Then, I met Dr. Jaime @ Barefoot Church University. She taught my sister and I and others-How to "Win the Race"with healthy living. I learned alot and changed for the better-Thanks to God & Dr. Jaime & all of the many trials
I've experienced. I'm developing perseverance-I'm more mature and complete.

In my eyes Dr. Jaime is a miracle worker. To me, she is beautiful inside and out-She looks at me, I am sure, as a child of God and has helped me beyond adjusting me.

Thank you heavenly Father and Jesus
Thank you Dr. Jaime


Name: Kady W.

Health Problems:
1. Sinus Problems
2. Stomach Problems
3. Hip Pain

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic: I tried nose drops and sprays, as well as pain medication
and a restricted diet. I also limited walking and was taking lots of Advil.

Changes in health since coming to True Health Chiropractic:
1. I sleep better and breath without wheezing.
2. I eat anything I want and have no stomach pain.
3. I walk and exercise without pain.

Name: Bonnie L.

Health Problems:
1. Fibromyalgia
2. Psoriatic Arthritis
3. Extreme Lower Hip Pain

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic:

Rheumatologist and Conventional Medicine

Changes in health since coming to True Health Chiropractic:
Dr. Jaime and Dr. Grainger are truly gifts from a most powerful God!
1. I now can continue to pursue my career of doing nails. Before I could not bend over very long in order to do
pedicures or even massage hands because of extreme inflammation due to arthritis and subluxation of my spine.
2. Within 3 weeks of their care along with diet changes, I have remarkably improved.
3. I feel wonderful, have more energy and feel like I am "alive" again.

4. I have lost weight too!

Name: Margie W.

Health Problems:
1. Tightness in the neck area
2. Bloating
3. Tingling in legs

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic: Medicine

Changes in health since coming to True Health Chiropractic:
1. My neck feels so much better.
2. I have no more gas since I've changed my eating habits with True Health Chiropractic.
3. The tingling in my legs has reduced a lot.

Name: Steve W.

Health Problems:
1. Lower Back Pain
2. Hip Pain (both for several years)

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic: I went to a M.D. to find out what the problem was and was prescribed pain meds.
They did nothing to help.

Changes in health since coming to True Health Chiropractic:
1. I have been receiving treatment for several months and I am having much less pain and most times
no pain at all. IT HAS BEEN A GREAT RELIEF.

Name: Pauline E.

Health Problems:
1. High Blood Pressure
2. High Cholesterol
3. Unable to sleep at night.
4. Three slightly pinched nerves in my back due to an auto accident in the mid 80's
5. Bone spurs on both shoulders due to falling on ice.
6. Constant pain in shoulders, worse laying at night and also unable to raise arms completely up.

Treatments tried before True Health Chiropractic: Per Medical Doctor, I was facing surgery on my shoulders
and I used lots of Ibuprofen to mask the pain. The pain in my shoulders would wake me during the night,
so I took more Ibuprofen.

Changes in health since coming to True Health Chiropractic:
I have been going to True Health Chiropractic, Dr. Jaime and Dr. Grainger since Nov. 2010.
1. After several treatments I was able to sleep all night long without the pain in my shoulders.
2. I can now raise both arms straight up without pain in my shoulders.
3. I TAKE LESS PRESCRIBED MEDS now and working to get off it completely.
4. I developed problems with my lower back and after having a procedure done on my back, I was
released to Dr. Jaime's care to continue working with me on my back problems and for an exercise program.
MY BACK IS DOING GREAT and I will continue working with them as they have done wonders for me.
5. I HAVE SO MUCH MOBILITY since working with them on my issues.
6. Their monthly seminars are absolutely awesome and we have only missed a couple of them due to being
out of town.
7. I recently did the Advanced Wellness Eating Plan for 1 month. I feel so much better and have LOST WEIGHT.
8. They have helped me so much and I highly recommend them.

Retired Military Veteran talks about how Chiropractic care helped her with Fibromyalgia!


Office Hours


8:30 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm



3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-11:00 am

3:00 pm-6:00 pm





