Deep Soft Tissue Massage

We seek to treat the whole body. Therefore, we highly value the use of soft tissue manipulation as an effective treatment in the healing of our patients. We utilize a variety of modalities, tailored individually to our patients’ needs:

Myofascial release – a hands-on, (manual) therapy technique that relaxes a broad area of muscle and fascial tissue. When fascia, a connective tissue that connects muscles to bone, becomes tight, it causes pain and restriction in movement. This technique uses gentle and sustained pressure into the fascial and muscle tissues to release tension, eliminate pain, increase blood flow, and restore motion. Myofascial release is very effective in reducing inflammation in the soft tissue.

Shiatsu – the Japanese term for “finger pressure”, shiatsu is an acupressure technique used by applying sustained pressure to specific areas to relieve blockages in the body, restoring balance and energy, and reducing pain.

Gua sha – refers to a Chinese treatment, in which the skin is scraped using a tool to stimulate blood flow to injured areas, thereby reducing pain and bringing healing.

AFR (Active Fibrotic Release) – uses a tool to break up fibrotic and scar tissue that has become tight and restrictive. This technique helps to relieve pain and increase mobility.

ART (Active Release Technique) – a form of deep tissue manipulation used to release soft tissue adhesions. ART is a very specific technique of combining precisely directed tension with a very specific patient movement or stretching motion. ART is effective for restoring function of the soft tissue, as well as to release any entrapped nerves or blood vessels.

AIS (Active Isolated Stretching) – a type of athletic dynamic stretching that lengthens major muscle groups and releases fascia to restore movement and promote functional and physiological restoration of superficial and deep fascial planes. This technique provides maximum benefit when the stretch is held no longer than 2 seconds.

Chinese Cupping – an ancient Chinese practice, in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced by suctioning out air, so that the skin and the superficial muscle layer is drawn into and held in the cup. Generally, the cup is left in place for about 10 minutes, and a surge of blood is drawn into the area. This will cause redness on the skin, and bruising is expected. This technique is mainly used in the treatment of pain, as it encourages blood flow (carrying oxygen) into a specific pain site.

Dry Needling – is the use of acupuncture or hollow-core hypodermic needles which are inserted into a knotted muscle to create a local twitch reflex. The word “Dry” is used because no solution is injected - the needle itself is used as the treatment. This therapy is effective in reducing muscle tension and spasm, pain, and inflammation related to conditions such as arthritis, nerve irritation, muscular strain, ligament strains and herniated discs.

Strain and Counterstrain – also known as Positional Release Technique, is an extremely gentle, manual technique for treating muscle and joint pain and dysfunction. It uses passive body positioning toward positions of comfort to relax muscle spasms and “turn off” nerve pain. This treatment moves the patient’s body away from painful, restricted directions of motion and holds this position for 90 seconds until nerve pain is released and the muscle relaxes. Pain relief should be immediate.

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2:00 pm-6:00 pm


7:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-4:00 pm



