New Year’s Resolutions for Your Spine

New Year’s is just around the corner, and a lot of people are going to be setting health and wellness goals. Why not have some of your goals for the New Year have to do with the health of your spine? Here are three resolutions you can set to help your neck and back have the best year ever in 2019.

Resolution 1: Use Better Posture

The first way to treat your spine better in 2019 is to focus on your posture. Avoid a forward head position, especially when using mobile devices. Watch your posture at work or at school as well as during recreation. Driving or riding in a car is a place to give special attention to your posture. Remember that your ears should be directly over your shoulders, which should be directly over your hips, which (when standing) should be directly over your heels. Practice your posture while looking in a mirror.

Resolution 2: Improve Ergonomics at Work/School

If you work in an office, pay attention to the height of your monitors so that they are at eye level. Keep your chair low enough for your feet to sit flat on the floor or get a footstool. Try not to cross your legs for any length of time.

If you are in school, pay attention to how you sit at your desk. Keep your feet flat on the floor and try to keep your head straight when looking at the chalkboard. Whether at work or at school, walk around and stretch any time you get a break where you can get up from your desk.  

Resolution 3: Improve Core Stability

Many New Year’s resolutions involve a gym membership. Whether you work out at the gym or at home, make a concerted effort to focus on your core strength. Any strength you can acquire in your abdomen and lower back with help keep your spine in proper position.

Get Your Spine Back in Proper Alignment with Ward Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

 These resolutions are all great ways to keep your spine in proper alignment. However, you have to get it put back into proper alignment first if you want to be able to keep it that way. That makes it the perfect time to schedule a chiropractic appointment. Dr. Ward wants to help you reach your 2019 health and wellness goals, so call 703-672-1661 today, or you can request an appointment online.

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