Care Plan Investment Options

There is tremendous value in chiropractic care for you and your family to move you toward the goal of achieving optimal health and wellness. At Cheshire you’ll be able to choose from options that are flexible enough to allow most people to receive some level of chiropractic care that’s manageable financially. Your investment options will be presented to you at the conclusion of a consultation with your doctor to review your test results and films. To arrange a FREE consultation to determine whether chiropractic care at Cheshire is a good fit for you, call (603) 357-5700 and a friendly team member will be happy to help you schedule a time.


There is no one at Cheshire Wellness Center who processes insurance claims, and that’s great news for you! The massive savings in administrative costs are passed along to you, and you can take advantage of a flexible investment program that meets your budget. You can also receive invoices to submit to your insurance company yourself, to see if they will reimburse you. Most patients discover that chiropractic care is actually extremely cost-effective and affordable. Typically the care you receive at Cheshire Wellness Center will be more affordable and more effective than alternative pain treatments such as pain medications or invasive surgery.

Family Plans

At Cheshire Wellness Center, you and your entire family can achieve total health and wellness. You’ll receive assistance and guidance as you take the time to care for some of the most important people in your world: you and your family.  In an effort to make living the wellness lifestyle as easy and affordable as possible, you can take advantage of a family chiropractic plan that is specific to you and your family and saves you money.

Health on a Budget with Chiropractic Care

At Cheshire Wellness Center, you can receive chiropractic care that will help you stay healthy and pain-free, using only a small amount of your time and money. You’ll partner with Drs. Tecia and Matt to care for your most important asset--your health. Prevention is the best cure, and regular chiropractic care will be far less time consuming and expensive than trying to recover from pain or an injury after it's happened. You don’t need to wait to see a chiropractor until you’re in crisis. Take your health very seriously, because as the old saying goes, "if you don't have your health, you don't have anything."  Unfortunately, too many people don't discover how true that statement is until it’s too late. Come find out how easy it is to get healthy and stay that way!


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9:00 am-11:00 am

3:30 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-11:00 am

3:30 pm-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only



