Network Spinal Care

Welcome to one of the most innovative healing systems in the world today - Network Spinal (NS)! You can take advantage of this advanced form of neurological care that is gentle, honoring, pleasant to receive, and yet extremely powerful in producing profound benefits for you. 

Research has shown that when you receive NS care, you’ll receive, among other things, a unique stress-busting ability. To learn how you can use this approach to release stress, often where other methods cannot.

When you use NS, you’ll discover and develop your tremendous internal resources for rapid recovery and improved overall health that have not yet emerged. 

To learn more about NS, you can find abundant testimonials, research, and scientific literature on the subject. And the best way to learn more is to attend one of classes at Cheshire Wellness Center or schedule a FREE one-to-one consultation to find out for yourself.

Your Journey Begins

You’ll be empowered more and more with each session. When you receive Network Spinal chiropractic care, you’ll develop strength and flexibility in your nerve and spinal system, your body and your life. You will more effortlessly and spontaneously recognize and release tension you no longer need. You’ll learn to pay attention to yourself in a new way and gain new abilities that may exceed anything you have ever experienced. 

Welcome to the exciting world of Network Spinal and Chiropractic! Your journey begins here.


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Office


By Appointment Only


9:00 am-11:00 am

3:30 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-11:00 am

3:30 pm-6:00 pm


By Appointment Only



