Ligament Injuries

If you’re experiencing knee pain or elbow pain due to a ligament injury, the discomfort can prevent you from completing daily tasks. At Precision Chiropractic in Amarillo, TX, we offer various treatments to alleviate your aches and help you heal fully. Before visiting us, learn about some common ligament injuries and how chiropractic can provide relief below:


Common Ligament Injuries

Did you know that you have ligaments all over your body? This soft tissue is responsible for holding the joints and bones together. If you overuse or twist a certain joint, it can damage the tissue. Some common ligament injuries include:

  • ACL tears
  • Shoulder dislocations
  • Twisted ankle
  • Sprained wrist
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Whiplash
  • Back or neck sprain

Recognizing the Symptoms

Ligament injuries can often cause mild or severe pain, depending on their severity. Along with the pain, you may also experience swelling, bruising, and limited mobility. While some injuries may heal on their own, others can get worse without proper treatment.

When to Seek Treatment

If you are still noticing pain or other symptoms after rest and pain relievers, it’s important to seek professional help. Our chiropractors can perform an assessment and create a treatment plan for your specific needs.

Chiropractic Care for Ligament Injuries

At our practice, we utilize a variety of methods to treat ligament injuries. Spinal adjustments can be effective in reducing inflammation that may be contributing to your pain. Our chiropractors may also recommend the following:

  • Spinal decompression to take pressure off of the nerves
  • Cold laser therapy to alleviate pain and improve blood circulation
  • Massage therapy to ease muscle tension
  • Softwave Therapy to help support proper healing
  • Corrective exercises to increase your range of motion and prevent further injury

Contact Precision Chiropractic for an Appointment Today

At Precision Chiropractic in Amarillo, TX, we understand that ligament injuries can limit your mobility and affect your quality of life. With personalized care, we can relieve your discomfort and improve your well-being. To schedule your appointment, call our office at (806) 358-3595 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, our team looks forward to assisting you!



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Amarillo Office


8:30 am-12:00 pm

1:30 pm-6:00 pm


10:00 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm

1:30 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm

1:30 pm-6:00 pm


8:30 am-12:00 pm



