Hemel Hempstead

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Mens Mental Health Awareness

Men are less likely to discuss or seek help for their mental health. Even before the pandemic, men's mental health was a cause for concern. So its definitely essential we keep the conversation going! These are some ways you can help keep your own mental health in check.

CONNECT Social interactions are needed to keep our minds healthy and happy. Every week try to start up a conversation with someone new. Check in with friends/family and try to meet up face to face where possible.

BE ACTIVE Getting your body moving is very important for your mental and physical health. It doesn't have to be anything too strenuous, but making small changes can make a big difference. Try to add a run or walk in your day, and small changes like taking the stairs rather than taking the lift all adds up.

TAKE NOTICE Being more present and in the moment makes you appreciate everything around you. Take a different route to work or try a different coffee shop. We see more and more people taking breaks from social media and switching off. It's so crucial we take time out for a while. Try switching your phone off for a day or a weekend. Or even just a set time in the evening, so you have time to wind down and shut off properly.  

LEARN Continued learning through life is proven to enhance self-esteem. Is there something that you have always fancied having a go at. Do it this week! This can be something small like learning a new word or bigger like joining a  club.

GIVE People who help others are more likely to rate themselves as happy. Why not help out your local community? Or do something kind and helpful for someone this week.

Always check in with the people around you and be kind to yourself and others.