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Office Ergonomics

At Chicago Spine and Joint Center we see a lot of office workers and executives and most of them have the same core questions about office ergonomics and how to choose a Chicago chiropractor to help with extremity and back pain. In today's blog post, Dr. Nuesse addresses your common questions:

Office Ergonomics: Essentials for All Office Workers and Executives

office_ergonomics.jpgWhile working in an office setting may not seem as taxing on the body as say being a factory worker, fireman, or construction worker, many physical health problems can arise from this type of work. Chief among these problems are chronic headaches, wrist and hand pain, and lower back pain. The reason office workers often experience these symptoms more often is due to the nature of their jobs.

First off, the body is not meant to be in a seated, stationary position for extended periods of time. Human beings developed as hunters and gatherers. As such, our bodies are meant to be in motion for a large portion of the day. Sitting actually puts more strain on your lower spine than standing or even lifting. Sitting in a hunch over position (which is how most people sit while working on a computer) is exponentially worse. These extended periods of sitting at a desk can lead directly to the development of lower back pain and tension headaches. Beyond the immediate, symptomatic disturbances, a breakdown in the natural biomechanics of the spine can occur over time. Continual hunching of the spine distributes forces throughout the spine in unnatural ways. This can lead to anything from arthritis to degenerative disc disease.

While tension headaches can occur due to poor posture while sitting, chronic headaches may also be due to staring at a computer screen for too long. As your eyes fatigue and begin to strain headaches often occur.

Lastly, wrist and hand pain is very common among office workers. This is usually attributed to repetitive hand motion, such as typing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly diagnosed in office workers with hand and wrist pain.

Office Ergonomics: Correction and Treatments

So what can be done to minimize these issues? First, the easiest thing that one can do to alleviate the strain on different parts of the body is to take frequent, short breaks. Now I'm not advocating going outside to have a smoke every 10 minutes or taking 4 lunch breaks a day. However, simply getting up and moving around, or stretching once every couple of hours for five minutes can be enough. The body just needs to change position to take the strain off of the joints and muscles. A second important component is to make sure that the workspace is set up properly. Computer screens should be directly in front. Chairs should be raised so that the knees are bent 90 degrees. And a chair with a lumbar support should be used if available.

If these tricks do not seem to be working then it may be time to consult a professional to check if there is anything else that can be done.

Call (312) 583-0061 to set up a consultation at Chicago Spine and Joint Care. Click here for our monthly website special for new patients.


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Chicago chiropractor, Dr. Matthew Nuesse founded Chicago Spine and Joint Care to bring pain relief to residents of downtown Chicago and Loop area workers. We take great pride in making every patient feel comfortable in our office and making you an informed part of your health care and future wellness.