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Affordable Payment Plans

With the ever-increasing costs of medical care and insurance coverage getting less every year, our office has made getting the care you need affordable. Whether you have little or no insurance coverage or a very high deductible, when you compare the costs in our office to those of medical treatments you will find that chiropractic is the best deal in healthcare.

Rest assured that in our office you will not be sent an unexpected large bill long after the services were rendered which is often the case with hospital and medical care. You will have a very close estimate of the cost of your entire care before you even begin treatment so that you can make an informed decision whether to start treatment or not. You will realize that the entire cost of treatment in our office is sometimes less that just one routine medical diagnostic test such as an MRI and a fraction of the cost of dental braces.

Call 219-326-5100 for a complimentary consultation to find out for yourself how affordable chiropractic care is and begin the steps towards better health without dangerous drugs or irreversible surgery.

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