Viewing 369 - 384 out of 502 posts

The Seeds Of Death

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionThe mission of the movie The Seeds of Death is to take on the seed cartel’s propaganda and political influence and expose a fabric of lies and Read More

10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutrition1. GMOs are unhealthy.The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal Read More

Gluten-Free On a Budget

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionIt’s 2015, and by now everyone knows what “gluten-free” is. There are varying reasons for people going gluten-free—anything from Celiac and gluten sensitivity, to autoimmune diseases, to Read More

Mission Possible

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionEveryone knows what he or she "should" do to obtain good health. But the mere knowledge of what we should be doing is never enough. If we've Read More

You Might Be Surprised Why Your Neck Hurts

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionWhen it comes to spinal pain, low back pain gets most of the press — and rightly so. It is extremely common and one of the most Read More

Injury Prevention Programs Unpopular With High School Coaches

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionAlthough injury prevention programs have been shown to help reduce leg and foot injuries in sports, less than 10% of high school coaches implement the programs as Read More

Autonomic Imbalance May Predict Multiple Poor Metabolic Outcomes

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionResting heart rate and heart rate variability may serve as predictors for certain metabolic risk outcomes and diabetes, according to research in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Read More

Muscle Weakness May Contribute To Tension Headaches

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionStrength training might help prevent tension headaches, or at least reduce their pain, according to a small Danish study.Researchers found that neck and shoulder muscles were up Read More

Worst Headache of Your Life? Learn the Warning Signs of Stroke.

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionHeadaches are extremely common. Almost everyone has experienced a severe headache at least once in his or her lifetime. In most cases, headaches are minor nuisances that Read More


AGELESS HEALTH 2015Learn so much one day about the brain and body connection including how to program your brain and body to maximize your health and wellness!Early bird ticketing and Read More

Probiotics May Improve Seasonal Allergies, Quality Of Life

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionProbiotics are good for your gut, your mental health — and now, your seasonal allergies, according to a new study review published in the journal International Forum Read More

Insomniacs May Be More Sensitive To Pain

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionPeople with insomnia or poor sleep quality may be less tolerant of pain, new research suggests.The more frequent and severe the insomnia, the greater the sensitivity to Read More

Newborn Baby Dies After Receiving Eight Vaccinations On Schedule; Pathologists Confirm Vaccines Responsible For Death

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionA Michigan mother's painful journey to find answers to her son's mysterious death has unearthed yet another case of vaccine-induced early mortality. The untimely fate of Elijah Read More

Fitness In Middle Age Linked To Healthier Brain In Later Years

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionPeople who have better aerobic fitness in middle age may ward off decreases in brain volume later in life, potentially preserving memory and other functions, a U.S. Read More

Some Common Heartburn Drugs May Increase Heart Attack Risk

That stinging sensation in the chest may be more than just heartburn for those taking certain antacids.A new study by researchers at Houston Methodist and Stanford University shows that a Read More

How Your Work Bag Can Cause More Stress Than Your Actual Job

@rosellecare #acupuncture #chiropractic #nutritionI recently attended the 2015 West Coast ISPA Media Event, where a Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program representative provided me with a full postural analysis. As a Read More

Viewing 369 - 384 out of 502 posts


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