
Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a form of diagnosis that uses muscle testing to determine how your body functions. AK is used not only to find the exact functional diagnosis, but also the best therapy for your unique needs. The focus of AK is to treat the five factors regulating your health in order to restore balance to the triad of health.

In general, an applied kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. This leads to the underlying dysfunction that's present. The applied kinesiologist then determines the "best fit" therapy based on testing your body's response to a wide array of potential therapies drawn from all of the healing arts. After treatment, applied kinesiology can be used to determine your response to the therapy and whether or not your function has improved.

Dr. George Goodheart founded applied kinesiology in 1964. The International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) was founded in 1976 by a group of doctors who had been teaching AK. The purpose of the College is to promote research and the teaching of applied kinesiology, review and standardize diagnostic and treatment methods used in AK, and bring together doctors and students studying and practicing AK. It takes many hundreds of hours of study and years of practice to perfect the multitude of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques used in applied kinesiology.

Muscle testing is only part of the applied kinesiology-focused functional healthcare approach. History, cliniclogo.jpgphysical exams, laboratory, and other specialty exams drawn from medicine are all used together to understand fully the complete picture of your health. Very accurate diagnosis of the way your body functions, clear understanding of the interplay between all parts of your body systems, and exact knowledge of what needs to be done to restore optimal body function are the forte of applied kinesiology.


Chiropractic (N)
"Look well to the spine for the cause of disease." ~Hippocrates

Your spine is the circuit board for your nervous system. The nerves that exit at the level of each vertebra of your spine travel to and innervate every gland, organ, muscle, and indeed, every part of your body. These nerves integrate, organize, and regulate all living processes.

Every vertebra that makes up your spine is like a circuit breaker, and your spine, as a whole, makes up the circuit breaker box. If there is a tripped circuit breaker in your house, whatever that circuit goes to isn't going to work - there's no electricity, no energy getting there. Your body is just like that - to get any part of your body to work it has to at least get nerve supply (electricity) from the nerves exiting the spine.

These tripped circuit breakers in your body are called subluxations. Chiropractic resolves subluxations through an adjustment to the spine and other joints in your body, thereby eliminating nerve interference. Without nerve interference, your body's innate intelligence is fully expressed and the inherent ability of your body to be self-healing and self-regulating is present.

Craniosacral Therapy (CSF)
This method derives from osteopathic medicine and is a powerful adjunct to chiropractic care. Craniosacral therapy works indirectly with the meninges and related structures suurounding the brain and spinal cord. This makes fundamental changes to the spine by increasing motion and suppleness and tends to improve function and organization to the nervous system.  Often, when chiropractic care is making useful but temporary changes, craniosacral therapy is needed. The approach reinforces and restores motion to the spine, pelvis, and skull that is very minute, but necessary to the optimum function of your body. Your nervous system functions much more efficiently after craniosacral therapy.

Acupuncture (AMC)
Chinese medicine, of which acupuncture is a part, is a complete system of health care that has existed for over two thousand years. The intention of Chinese medicine is to restore harmony to yin and yang, balance to the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water, and wood), bring poise and freedom to the flow of Qi (chi) through the meridian pathways of the body, allow the natural flow of the elements within your body in accord with the seasons, and strength to Jing (primordial body energy), Qi, and Shen (spirit).

Chinese medicine has traditionally used bone-setting (essentially chiropractic care), diet, stress and lifestyle management, herbal medicine, internal exercise like tai chi and chi kung, and meridian therapy (which includes acupuncture).

Modern acupuncture uses an instrument that measures the electrical resistance in each of your twelve major meridians. This information is entered into a computer where the information is processed and graphed.

Evaluation and treatment of your meridian system using this approach is very precise and reproducible. Follow-up exams will show the changes that are taking place in your meridian system from treatment.

Acupuncture doesn't have to be done with needles. Tapping, heat, cold, rubbing, gentle electrical stimulation, and even laser can be used to balance the flow of Qi through the meridians.

Muscle and Reflex Therapies (NL and NV)
Applied Kinesiology (AK) incorporates muscle and reflex therapies. Neurovascular reflex therapies improve blood flow, neurolymphatic reflexes from osteopathy improve lymphatic drainage and hand, foot, and skin reflexes restore nerve function.

To restore integrity to the muscles of your body, AK draws from the myofascial techniques of Rolfing, strain-counterstrain techniques of osteopathy, and trigger-point techniques from traditional (allopathic) medicine. Additionally AK utilizes muscle techniques unique to it such as reactive and frozen muscle patterns.

Clinical Nutrition (N)
"Your food shall be your medicine and your medicine shall be your food." ~ Hippocrates

Nutrition is necessary to support body growth and repair, and to sustain metabolism. Your body function cannot be maintained and even your genetic potential cannot be fully expressed without necessary nutrients. Dietary recommendations are the foundation of clinical nutrition, but you may need supplementation also.

There are many factors that lead to the need for supplements to the diet: pollution, stress, processing of foods and food additives, as well as foods grown on depleted soils. Very specific counseling regarding your unique dietary needs complement supplementation. Clinical nutrition recommendations are determined by integrating information from your health history, exam findings, lab findings, and applied kinesiology testing.

Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy (N)
Herbs are most important for detoxification and eliminating infections. Well-chosen herbs or herb formulas can address your genetic constitution, strengthening your body as a whole, and preventing you from developing illnesses associated with your genetic makeup. Very small, even infinitesimal dilutions of plant, mineral, and animal substances are used in homeopathy to stimulate a healing response. Homeopathy can be very helpful to resolve residual problems from a past trauma or infection.

Neuroemotional Technique (N)
We respond to the world around us and process our experiences based on our conditioning. Often conditioning that we learned when we were very young and still use on a daily basis no longer serves us well.  Non-adaptive conditioning leads to anxiety, depression, self defeating behaviors, limiting beliefs, and a myriad of physical symptoms, such as fatigue, inability to concentrate, back and neck pain, headaches, and digestive problems, etc.

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