
Keeping Your Immune System Strong

Winter's almost over and spring is around the corner.  Our immune system is most challenged when there is transition from one season to another.  Here are some tips to think about and implement as winter turns to spring. 

Stress influences the Immune Response.  You must learn to effectively manage the stressors in your life to keep the immune system from being overactive and pro-inflammatory.  This means eating nutritional meals, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, and maintaining healthy relationships.

Nutrition…the best supplements to support the immune system include fish oil, vitamin C, magnesium, probiotics, ginger, garlic, and vitamin D.

Fish oil and Vitamin C - natural anti-inflammatory.

Magnesium - shown to alleviate symptoms in acute and chronic asthma.

Probiotics - supplemental bacteria that are beneficial to the gastrointestinal system and reduce overall body inflammation.

Ginger and garlic - fights against cold symptoms and multiple anti-inflammatory mechanisms that offer some immune-supportive benefits.

Vitamin D - reduces pro-inflammatory immune activity and improves anti-inflammatory activity.  The body needs adequate vitamin D levels to make a natural antibiotic called cathelicidin.

So remember when the season changes think of controlling stress and avoid foods that promote inflammation.  Focus on foods that reduce inflammation.

Always remember to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements for the first time.

Smile… Spring is around the corner!