

A back strengthening exercise and practices to help keep you limber, pain-free and reaching toward your goal of optimum health.


A move that releases tension in hips while strengthening the abdominals and lower back.

1.  Lie on your back with your knees hip-distance apart and bent, your feet flat on the floor directly under your knees.  Place your arms straight at your sides, palms pressing into the floor.

2.  Take a deep inhale and as you exhale lift your pelvis so your bottom comes off the mat; rest your body witht on our shoulder blades (be careful not to rest your weight on your neck).  Make sure your knees remain hip-distance apart and our arms, palms and soles of your feet are pressed eveny into the floor.  Keep your abs contracted to prevent your ribs from flaring out.  Howld this position and take 3 deep breaths.

3.  After 3 breaths exhale and lower your pelvis, slowly bringing your spine down to the mat from top to bottom, one vertebra at a time.

Repeat this process 5 - 8 times.


1.  EAT MINERAL-RICH FOODS - Sunflower or pumpkin seeds and vine-ripened veggies like eggplant are rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium that help maintain strong bones.

2.  SLEEP SUPPORTED - Stay properly aligned as you doze by hugging one standard-size pillow and placing another between your legs.  This stops you from rolling onto your back, which over time can strain the soft tissues of the lower back.

3.  WEAR COMFORTABE, LOW-HEELED SHOES - High heels rotate your pelvis forward and put stress on your lower back.