Holistic Approach

Holistic Chiropractic Care: Live Your Best Life Today

At Shattuck Rose Chiropractic Center, our Berkeley chiropractor Dr. André Schmitz is passionate about providing personalized care that empowers our patients to take active control of their health. Our holistic approach to chiropractic care goes beyond injury rehabilitation and pain management. Our mission is to support all aspects of your health, including robust physical strength and vitality, mental and emotional well-being, and social connection. This includes helping our patients safely and effectively chronic pain, help the body heal after injury, and help safely manage stress. Holistic chiropractic care with Dr. Schmitz will empower you to live your best possible life.

Holistic Chiropractic Care Empowers Whole Body Health

Chiropractic care is based on a simple philosophy: the body is greater than the sum of its parts. Optimal function is only achieved when all of the body’s different systems work in harmony with one another. In chiropractic care, we recognize that there is a vital life force flowing through the body. When the spine is out of alignment, for example, the central nervous system is unable to communicate effectively between the brain and the body’s organs. The result is not just chronic pain, but also an increased risk for injury and illness. Poor health occurs when we neglect our body as a whole. When we focus only on the symptoms of pain, rather than the root cause, we fail to provide our bodies with the support they need for good health. Holistic chiropractic care can change this.

During your first appointment at Shattuck Rose Chiropractic Center, our Berkeley chiropractor will conduct a complete assessment of your overall health. Our goal during this assessment is to not only evaluate the symptoms of pain or injury, but also identify the root causes for these symptoms. For example, a subluxation in the spine (a spinal misalignment) can compress nearby nerves and muscles. This compression can trigger a radiating pain sensation along the length of the nerve while also restrict joint mobility. In some cases patients immediately experience pain or restricted mobility. In other cases however, the joint dysfunction will persist undetected. Patients may struggle with low-grade illnesses, stress, weight gain, and general poor health. However, without a comprehensive chiropractic exam, they may never realize that the root cause for these problems is, in fact, a spinal misalignment. Thanks to a full body health assessment with holistic chiropractic care, these misalignments are identified and promptly treated, restoring balance and harmony to the body.

In addition to gentle, hands-on adjustments, our chiropractor also integrates complementary therapies into every chiropractic treatment plan. These therapies are designed to enhance whole body health from within. Depending on a patient’s specific wellness needs, the therapies may including nutrition counseling, lifestyle advice, and corrective care exercises. Our goal is to empower patients with the knowledge and resources they need to take an active control of their health.

For more information on the benefits of holistic chiropractic care, schedule an appointment with our chiropractor today. Call (510) 719-7210.