Lifestyle Medicine at Townsend Wellness Center

Lifestyle medicine at Townsend Wellness Center means using therapies that are natural to treat your illness. We focus on diet, nutrition, a custom exercise plan, stress, and sleep management, This helps reverse or manage chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease,  hypertension, obesity, and cancer.

Nutrition and Diet

Dr. Townsend provides nutrition and diet services to patients. He designs a customized plan for each patient that addresses your specific needs. He has nutritional supplements that help boost the immune system and help with weight loss. These supplements provide needed nutrients, supply energy to the body, and support bone and joint health. A customized healthy diet plan can help you manage chronic illness and improve your immune system.


The Townsend Wellness Center will design an exercise program for you that addresses pain management and healing the deficiencies in your bones and joints. Many of our exercises stretch and strengthen the back, neck, arms, legs, spine, and joints. We will find the right therapeutic therapy and exercises to help you achieve optimal health. Exercise is good for physical and mental health.


Sleep disorders can be treated with chiropractic adjustments and manipulation to reduce pain and relax the muscles. This helps to induce sleep. Adjustments can help the heart rate and nervous system leading to less pain and better sleep.  Diet and nutritional supplements are another way to improve sleep as part of the overall lifestyle changes. A comprehensive exercise program often is part of our treatment for sleep problems.

Stress Management

Our lifestyle medicine focuses on stress management.  Our exercise program, diet and nutrition counseling, and addressing sleep concerns focuses on the whole person. Our chiropractic care and manipulations concentrate on the spine the center of the nervous system. Adjustments help muscle tension leading to a more relaxed body. Adjustments to the spine lead to a more balanced body reducing stress. Other therapies that may be used are massage therapy and naturopathic health services.

6 Steps to Wellness Program

This program embraces all the aspects of lifestyle medicine.  Using massage and spinal manipulation the doctor strives to restore your body to optimal health.  Through various lifestyle therapies, he uses he restores balance in the body and mind.  With his expertise in nutritional counseling, he designs a custom program to meet your needs.  Good nutrition helps you feel better and restores energy. Testing for allergies and food sensitivity is important for eliminating potential toxins. This chiropractor in St. Robert restores your emotional health with massage therapy, exercise, and nutritional counseling. Removing heavy metals and toxins from the body is another step in the Wellness Program

Learn More About Lifestyle Medicine

Contact the Townsend Wellness Center to learn more about our Lifestyle Medicine program and 6 Step Wellness Program and how it can help you manage pain, chronic illness, and improve health. Make an appointment by calling (573) 336-4221 today.

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2:00 pm-5:30 pm


2:00 pm-5:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm





