
Serving the People of St. Robert with Natural Chiropractic CareNatural chiropractic care for the residents of st. robert and waynesville at townsend wellness center

At Townsend Chiropractic and Wellness Center we provide natural chiropractic care and acupuncture to the community of St. Robert and Waynesville. The following list is an example of the services that we provide to the people of our community. Whether you're looking for treatment of muscle pain or suffering from a chronic condition, we can help.

Serving the People of St. Robert

  • Spinal manipulation - During spinal manipulation, chiropractors realign the vertebrae of the spine and eliminate subluxations. Spinal manipulation helps improve the communication between the brain and the rest of the body, which can help keep patients healthier overall.

  • Acupuncture - Acupuncture is an ancient technique that involves the stimulation of the pressure points in the body. Acupuncture can promote healing and pain reduction. Acupuncture can also be used to boost immune function, treat depression and help patients in a variety of other ways.

  • Spinal decompression - Spinal decompression is a technique that involves the creation of negative pressure around the vertebrae of the spine. Spinal decompression is used to treat herniated discs by putting the disc back into place.

  • Massage therapy - Massage therapy helps loosen tightened muscles and improve blood flow to injured areas. Massage therapy also relieves patients of stress, which can help them get the rest and relaxation they need to heal over time.

  • Nutrition counseling - It's important to eat right. Many patients struggle to eat enough vitamins, minerals and proteins without overindulging on fats and calories. Our nutrition counseling services help our patients eat right so they can get the energy they need to feel better. Our nutrition counseling services also help patients stay healthy and reach their target weight.

  • Lifestyle advice - Lifestyle advice can help patients avoid injuries and painful chronic conditions. By pointing out behaviors that can have a detrimental effect on patient health, our lifestyle advice services help patients feel better in their day to day lives.

  • Neurological stress reduction therapy - Neurological stress reduction therapy is an alternative form of medicine that is often used to treat conditions like allergies, migraines and more. This unique therapy helps reduce symptoms of chronic illnesses and conditions.

  • Biocleanse - This natural detox technique helps patients look and feel healthy.

  • EVOX - EVOX is a method of reframing your perceptions of the world. EVOX can help you improve your performance at work, increase your happiness in your personal life and also improve your heath overall.

  • Zerona Body Sculpting - Zerona targets your stubborn fat areas and painlessly emulsifies the fat under your skin.  Our bodies then safely eliminate the fat using the lymphatic system.

  • Body sculpting - This is a technique that helps patients get rid of excess fat and skin. Body sculpting can help patients when weight loss programs can't. Non-surgical facelifts and body sculpting are made available using state-of-the-art micro-current therapies.  Reduce wringles, age-spots, flabby areas painlessly.

At Townsend Chiropractic and Wellness Center, our signature program is called “The Six Steps To Wellness”.  This unique health approach centers around removing any interferences to health.  Those interferences are addressed in these six steps:

  1. Re-establish structural integrity
  2. Rebalance electromagnetics
  3. Rebuild nutrition
  4. Reprogram the body for allergy/sensitivities
  5. Re-evaluate emotional patterns and remove limiting belief systems
  6. Remove heavy metals and other toxins

Contact Townsend Wellness Center

At Townsend Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we provide natural, non-invasive care to our patients. We treat auto accident injuries, sports injuries, personal injuries and more. For more information about the types of services we offer or to make an appointment with our chiropractor, contact us today at (573) 336-4221.

office interior


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm


2:00 pm-5:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:30 pm





