• Should I see a chiropractor first after an injury
    Should I see a chiropractor first after an injury? After being injured, one of the hardest decisions is determining what the next step should be! It turns out, a chiropractor may Read more
  • I Got a Headache Shortly After my Last Chiropractic Adjustment, is This Normal?
    Is it normal to get a headache shortly after an adjustment? A chiropractors goal with treatment is to always improve patients well- being, but like any profession, adverse responses to treatment Read more
  • I Felt Like my Ribs Were Sore After my Adjustment at the Chiropractor
    Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to treating neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It is proven to be one of the safest and most effective forms of treatment for low back and neck pain. Like any profession, there is the risk of having an adverse response to treatment. This blog is to inform patients on the potential causes of rib soreness following treatment. Read more
  • Can Chiropractic Care help with Tinnitus?
    Can Chiropractic Care help with Tinnitus? Chiropractic care is a viable option for patients who suffer from tinnitus. There is a case study (link here) done in 2010 involving a 40 Read more
  • Adjustment where Chiropractor Pulls on your Leg- Bozeman Chiropractor
    Leg Pull Adjustment What is the Adjustment Called When the Chiropractor Pulls on your Leg?This adjustment in which the chiropractor pulls on your leg is called a long axis distraction adjustment. Read more
  • You guys adjust Ears?!
    What is an Ear Adjustment??? I HEAR you... ear adjustments SOUND crazy and weird!  Well LISTEN UP, just like many other areas in the body other than the spine, chiropractors are trained Read more
  • Chiropractic Techniques
    Chiropractic Techniques There are over 100 named chiropractic techniques.  Most build on the foundation laid by other techniques and are then renamed by the doctor that developed the new technique. Some techniques Read more
  • Reflexes
    Reflexes and Neurological Pathways A reflex is an involuntary response to some stimulus (or inhibition) of the nervous system.  Most of us have noticed that when a doctor taps below the Read more
  • Dealing Crack?
    Dealing Crack? Chiropractic is often associated with cracking or popping (cavitation) of the spine.  Many people (some doctors and many patients) feel that the crack is required for benefit from care. Read more
  • Neck pain and injuries/whiplash
    Prevalence       Neck pain occurs in 9% of adult men and 12% of adult women at any given moment, with 80% of people experiencing neck pain at some point Read more


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