What are Stem Cells? Daytona Beach Medical Clinic Explains 1/27/2017

Stem Cells are the primary basic template that grows into all other tissue. When you are first conceived how many cells are in your body? One from your mom and one from your dad. They come together and they start to multiply and in about 3 to 5 weeks you have 300 to 500 cells and they call the cytoplasm. Most of the those cells are stem cells.

Stem cells have two properties. They have differentiation, which means they can turn into other tissue, and proliferation, which means they can replace themselves with more stem cells. Let me show you a different way. A stem cell has the ability to change into a muscle cell, a skin cell, a bone cell, a tendon cell, an organ cell, a nerve cell, or a different stem cell* The younger they are the stronger their differentiation and proliferation and abilities are.


A  lot of you may have heard negative things about stem cells and a lot of that came from when they were working with them prior on Embryonic Stem Cells. Embryonic stems cells come from aborted fetuses. I don’t know about you but I couldn’t have anything to do with aborted fetus stem cells. In 2007 Wake Forest University found that Embryonic and AmnioticStem Cells are equally as potent in those two areas, differentiation and proliferation. What the researchers found out was the younger the stem cell the better ability it has to change the other tissue and to reproduce itself. That’s important because when you have damaged tissue it’s the stem cells that go there to fix it.

For example, if a 60 year old breaks their arm, how long does it take to heal? (8 to 10 weeks) If a 15 year old breaks their arm how long does it take to heal? (4-6 weeks). If a two-year old breaks there arm how long does it take to heal (2 to 4 weeks) and that’s because of their stem cells. The younger they are the better they work.  The stem cells we use do not come from embryonic stem cells. They are not from fetuses of aborted babies. They actually are FDA approved and are donated from healthy moms at live birth C-sections. Why would they do it at C-section? Because it’s the only one’s they can prepare for preservation. They schedule a C-section so the clean team can be there to collect the stem cells.

The placental tissues and fluids are processed in clean room environments exceeds the American Association of Tissue Banks has stronger standards than the FDA. They also meet the US Pharmacopia  Testing which has stronger standards than the FDA.

If you have more questions about Stem Cells in Daytona Beach and would like to learn more, call Coastal Integrative Healthcare in Edgewater Florida 386-957-1507.  


Coastal Integrative Healthcare
315 N Ridgewood Ave
Edgewater FL 32132
(386) 957-1507


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