Top 3 Treatments for Carpal Tunnel for Fast Relief - Edgewater and New Smyrna Beach Florida 4/21/2018


What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that can be quite painful and annoying to say the least. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a pinched nerve (the median nerve) in the wrist that will typically produce symptoms such as numbness and tingling in the first three digits of the hand. The nerve is typically compressed because it travels through the same space (the carpal tunnel) as several other tendons. When these tendons are over used and become inflamed, there is less space for the nerve and it becomes pinched. Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed in the office performing a series of tests.

Over 3 million Americans suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome each year. Fortunately, it is treatable without surgery. Many patients choose to avoid carpal tunnel surgery due to the low long term success rate (see reference below), the high cost for the procedure ($1,200 out of pocket up to $12,000 without insurance), and  the high percentage of patients that have the symptoms return even after a "successful" surgery.

Coastal Integrative Healthcare in Edgewater and Palm Coast Florida have successfully treated carpal tunnel syndrome for years. Here are three of the top treatment options we use in the clinic to get fantastic long lasting results without the use of medication or surgery.

1. Myofascial release technique - Also known as Graston, or Hawkgrips. These tools are specially designed to break up adhesions in the tendons that are the source of the problem. When the tendonitis heals, the inflammation goes down and the pressure is released off of the nerve.

2. Extremity manipulations - when the joints in the hand and wrist are not moving properly, there is less space for the tendons and nerves to pass through the carpal tunnel. Manipulation to the hand and wrist will free up those joints and create more space. You should seek out treatment from a licensed chiropractor for this treatment or even better a hand and foot chiropractor such as Dr. Call in Palm Coast.

3. Cold Laser - This amazing therapy puts a light energy into the cells of the tissues that are inflamed. This energy decreases inflammation and allows the tissues to heal and regenerate properly.

If you are suffering from numbness and tingling in the hands, you might have carpal tunnel syndrome. To receive a proper diagnosis and see if you are a candidate for care, call the office at 386-267-6382 for a free consultation or click on the offer below.

1. Nancollas MP, Peimer CA, Wheeler DR, et al. Long-term results of carpal tunnel release. J Hand Surg Br. 1995;20:470–474. doi: 10.1016/S0266-7681(05)80155-X. 



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