136 Walton Ferry Rd Suite 1B

Hendersonville, TN 37075 US

(615) 826-8480

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Allergies FAQs in Hendersonville, TN

Allergies and Nutrition FAQs

When you have an allergic reaction, you are likely to exhibit symptoms like coughing, runny nose, and itching. Allergic reactions are bothersome, and they can severely impact your quality of life. Worse yet, they could be a symptom of a severe underlying condition. Allergies like hay fever may be seasonal, but they might also be related to chronic conditions like asthma or sinusitis. So, if you have any sign of allergy, you need a proper diagnosis to devise a suitable treatment.

Someone writing

Are you being troubled by persistent allergies in Hendersonville, TN? Please get in touch with our chiropractor at Carter Natural Health Center. Our chiropractor will conduct nutritional response testing ® to establish the root cause of your allergies and design a natural health recovery plan that will provide relief to your troubling allergies. Here are some FAQs about allergies.

What triggers an allergy?

An allergic reaction occurs when an immune system responds to a foreign body. These foreign substances could be anything, including dust, mites, feces, molds, pollen, and other human-made and natural objects. When your immune system confuses these ordinarily harmless foreign substances as dangerous invaders, it conveys antibodies to counter them(allergens), thereby making an individual suffer from symptoms of allergic reactions.

How are allergens diagnosed?

The first step in diagnosing allergies is by taking your family history and medical history and asking you to describe your symptoms. Here, we may ask you to describe the frequency and the likely time when allergy symptoms occur.

Further tests may involve an allergy skin test, where your skin is exposed to certain allergens to observe how it reacts. Additionally, blood tests can also depict the presence of antibodies that points to an allergic reaction.

How are allergies treated?

At Carter Natural Health Center, we have nutritional response testing®, which is a safe, non-invasive technique to identify immune challenges impeding the optimal performance of your immune system. Once we identify these factors, we devise an individualized plan to reduce psychological and body stress to help bolster your immunity to fight off allergens better.

The other treating mechanism is through allergen avoidance which advocates the victim to shun allergens and triggers by reducing exposure in your house or office.

Let Our Chiropractor Relieve Your Allergies Today

Visit our chiropractor at Carter Natural Health Center, serving Hendersonville, TN, to treat your allergy naturally. Our chiropractor is committed to restoring your natural health. Call us at (615) 826-8480 today.

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9:30 am-4:00 pm


12:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:30 am-2:00 pm


12:00 pm-6:30 pm


9:30 am-2:00 pm






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136 Walton Ferry Rd Suite 1B, Hendersonville, TN 37075, United States

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