First Visit Pediatric

The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends the first chiropractic visit as soon as possible after birth.  This first visit will allow you and your child to meet with the doctors so they can evaluate and discuss proper spinal health.

At Yost Family Chiropractic we promote spinal health in all ages!!  The “growing years” are the most importance years in the maturity of posture and the nervous system, the control center of the body. 


When scheduling the appointment, if possible, try to make it a time when both parents can attend.  We encourage both parents to attend as this is an opportunity to ask questions and learn about what opportunities chiropractic has to offer the family. 

Parents can help make their child’s first chiropractic visit an enjoyable one by being positive about the experience!  If possible, please have your child fed and well-rested.   The doctors will explain each procedure in “child friendly” terms that they can easily understand and enjoy!   


One of the doctors will review the health history form with you at the first visit.  You are welcome to discuss the health history with your child in the room, or one of our staff members can watch the child so you can easily discuss fears, anxieties, and/or concerns without the child present.  The doctors will perform a complete examination of your child’s spine and nervous system.  Spinal radiographs will be taken only if one of the doctor’s feels it is necessary.  Rarely are films taken on children under the age of 7.  If additional procedures are required, they will be schedule for a later date.  


Please do not be upset if your child cries.  Crying is a normal reaction to the unknown and iti s not unusual for younger children to be anxious of anything new or strange.  We are trained to help fearful children through this experience.  It is our goal for children to promote children’s self-esteem and allow them to have fun in our office.  Kids make GREAT patients and often look forward to their chiropractic treatments!  

Children’s adjustments are tailored specific to a child’s spine and are very gentle and enjoyable.  These adjustments are much gentler because a child’s joints are looser and easier to move, plus children generally heal much more quickly than adults. 

Just as you don’t wait until your children complain of toothache before taking them to a dentist, don’t wait until they complain of backache before having their spines checked!  Your children may have their first subluxations as early as birth.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and help your family enjoy optimal health with Chiropractic care for the entire family.


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Office Hours


7:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:15 pm


12:00 pm-5:15 pm


7:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:15 pm


12:00 pm-5:15 pm


7:00 am-12:00 pm


*8:30-11:00 am *1st & 3rd Saturdays only

