Workplace wellness

June PM



Since 2007, I experienced (nearly daily or after exercise) right hip pain (SI joint) and low back pain. After not seeing sustained improvement or improvements that let me enjoy what I love (running, hiking, Pilates, yoga, etc.) with physical therapy, traditional chiropractic or regular massage, I was very discouraged that this was my body at 30. Since beginning about one month ago, I am 50%-100% (depending on the day) improved with my hip and back pain. I actually feel hope for getting back to my goal of running a 1/2 marathon in 1/2 of the states. I also feel like I understand the etiology of what is wrong with my back and hip which helps me understand the commitment to healing it. After my first treatment, I felt like I took my first deep breath in years. I started noticing that my spine felt more fluid, like it had the ability to move and correct itself for the first time that I was ever aware. As a dietician, I understand that wellness takes effort, time, and commitment, and I would much rather take care of myself with this approach now than experience the effects of pain, reduced exercise, and compromised quality of life. I feel like running and experiencing the endorphin rush (not pain and frustration) is in my future again and that is so encouraging!

–Allison W

My outlook and energy has increased fantastically. I look forward to each day now as I feel great. Both Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah have done a tremendous job on me - my diabetes is doing great and under control! Better heart health - my doctor has asked and told me I'm in great shape now so thanks to Body in Balance!

- Phil A.

I came to Body In Balance because I wanted to be healthier. My blood pressure has normalized and sinus congestion has gone away. My thyroid is working better and my body is getting better all around. I have seen the results and know that I wouldn’t be doing this well if I wasn’t coming to Body In Balance. I want a longer and healthier life!

-Darlene J.

I had experienced constant pain in my lower back, middle back, and neck for over 20 years, with no long-term results. Since being treated, I have experienced daily improvement and an overall sense of balance and relief. Strength and vitality have returned and increased. I continue to receive care simply because I am getting results! By the way, everyone is friendly, supportive, and like family.

– Michael W.

I had severe pain from fibromyalgia and migraine headaches. I also had poor balance. Within the first two weeks, my pain had been cut to .. I no longer limp. I sleep better and am more aware of what is going on around me and within me. I continue to receive care because I deserve it!

-Shelley D.

I came to Body In Balance because of back, neck, and shoulder pain and constant Charlie horses in my legs – so bad that I couldn’t walk at times. After just 3 visits, I no longer have Charlie horses. My neck and back are not tight anymore, thus no pain in my shoulder. I continue care because I know that my body still needs to be “reminded” and this works for me!

-Annie G.

I came to Body In Balance because I had numbness and tingling in my hands and feet. My body was out of balance. The numbness in the feet has stopped and the tingling in my hands has greatly reduced and is almost gone. I have better posture and less neck stress. I love the results. I am continuing the initial care program and staying ahead of the numbness and tingling.

-Billy C.

I have had long-standing issues with my neck and other misalignments throughout my spine. I had received network care in college and decided -- after years of less than stellar results with other techniques -- to give it a go again. For the first time in many years, I have hope that my body will be pain-free and fully functional very soon. I know that I am releasing very old patterns -- both physical and emotional, and though my process is not always easy, I know that I am healing. I am so clear that my healing journey will take time and even once I am in a wellness pattern, I fully believe that my body will continue to benefit from the deep support that regular care offers my nervous system.

-Melody M.

My son-in-law highly recommended Body In Balance and after seeing his progress, I decided to make the commitment to relieve my lower back pain that I have tolerated for many years. I have seen many changes to my wellbeing since I started chiropractic care. My posture is much better now that I am aware of it, and I have less back pain. Also, I have learned how important breathing techniques and adjustments are in relieving stress. As I advance through my adjustments, I realize I feel better week by week and I am constantly striving for a higher quality of life. I strongly believe by continuing my adjustments and attending the classes offered by Drs. Leah and Scott, I will achieve a higher quality of life.

-Tim S.

I have been in pain for more than a year. On a scale of 1-10, the pain was between 6-8 constantly. I have been coming to Body In Balance since late December. They have reduced my pain and have me walking and sleeping better than I have in a long time. I feel that they will continue to make me feel even better.

-Al V.

I cannot even find words to describe how much better my LIFE is, not just my back... I came to Body In Balance Wellness Center wanting my back pain managed. After roughly 3 months, I can confidently say the pain I was hoping to manage is almost non-existent. Leah and Scott addressed my pain, and with x-rays and scans, explained what they saw. They shared with me, what I would consider, pretty alarming things happening to my 33 year-old spine. I was scared for what the future would hold, so I committed to whatever the doctors would offer me. We chose a 12 week program that included a non-traditional form of chiropractic care, corrective exercise, and massage. In those 12 weeks, weird things would happen to my body such as emotional instability, soreness, and aches, but every time I addressed these concerns, Drs. Leah or Scott would sound happy. Quickly I learned to celebrate the changes as well. I learned through the doctors that the changes were my body re-learning how to hold my spine in a more natural way. My muscles were re-awakened. All I can say is, this approach is different than any traditional doctor I have ever seen, and I will continue this care for the rest of my life! One last addition: Have you ever been stressed? Guess where that stress is when you think you are "managing it"? Your spine. Trust me, Leah and Scott will help you manage your stress, which will help you manage your PAIN!

-Lindsey B.

Best chiro ever. When I walked into BIB, I wasn't well. I had been to a zap and crack chiro after a car accident, but those adjustments were causing more pain. Shortly after I started going to BIB, I noticed changes in my back, my gait and my pain level decreased immediately. The doctors are caring and amazing. It's been several years and I continue to see changes in my x-rays and progress exams. More than that, I feel great! I'm not sure I'd be walking, or gardening, or snowboarding, or biking or hiking without the care at Body In Balance Wellness Center. They are WAY better than traditional chiropractors. Don't wait any longer. Go there! You'll be happy you did!

-Laura B.

I was tired of wasting my money at a chiropractor who would make me feel better for a day and then I would be back to hurting again. My family and I have been going to Body In Balance for over 6 months now. It has changed all of our lives. I had migraines and chronic neck pain every day. Within one week they were gone. I have had one migraine in 6 months. My 12 year-old daughter constantly complained about hip and ankle problems - gone after 1 visit. Every time I go in I believe more and more. In fact, yesterday I woke up with a headache and a big knot in my neck. Endured it all day. I went in at 5:00 and at 5:30, I was a new man. This technique works and the doctors and staff are the nicest people you will ever meet!

-Tony C.

I was referred by a close friend after her positive experience. I had a sudden and quite painful onset of back pain from which I was seeking relief. My favorite aspect is that Network Spinal Analysis is not the tradition “bone-crack” chiropractic. Network Spinal Analysis has made by energy flow very strong, removed my pain and contributed to my daily mindfulness. My most significant change since beginning care has been an amazing release of stress! I feel much more comfortable in my own skin and am feeling no ongoing pain. I feel grounded, relaxed, and energetic. I feel that NSA has significantly contributed to my overall wellness, having touched my mind, body, and spirit

-Lisa M.

I came to Body In Balance due to recurrent pain in both upper arms from work demands and long distance cycling positioning, as well as for general stress and high blood pressure. The pain is gone. I feel MUCH better alignment and balance in my body and am calmer, more even, and have an upbeat outlook on everything. My blood pressure is back to normal, I’m sleeping well, and I feel great!

-Dorothy B.

I had extreme neck, shoulder, and hip pain. I wanted to receive support for mental and emotional balance. I also wanted to receive care from a variety of doctors (versus one) in one location. I have had significant improvements in all levels of physical pain, as well as significant improvements in my mental and emotional states. I am feeling much more balanced and grounded! I love experiencing the 3 different NSA styles from the 3 doctors. They are all amazing to work with! Because NSA has an energetic component, it not only works for relieving my physical pain, but it also helps me manage my mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities better! It’s one of my favorite forms of selfcare!

-Jess B.

I came to Body In Balance for sports injuries, migraines, and car accident pain. Since starting chiropractic care, I have had minimal migraines, better exercise performance, and little to no lasting pain from my car accident. I continue to receive care for continued growth in alignment, continued growth in optimal exercise performance, and continued pain reduction.

-Heather N.

I was having pain in my knees from my job standing all day. I have continually felt better as each month of chiropractic care goes by. I can feel myself trying to have better posture and I am more aware of my body position. I no longer get pain in my knees or migraines! I enjoy everyone at the office and the amazing way my body feels. Thank you Body In Balance! 

-Taryn B.

I wanted to find a chiropractor closer to where I live. I was impressed with a presentation that Dr. Leah gave and the information that I received at the initial consultation. The results I received from that first treatment were just awesome. This is so not like the traditional snap and crackle. I continue receiving care because my body and I need the care - it is just awesome how much better my movement is.

-Darlene B.

I was referred by a friend who thought it could help with my neck pain/tension issues. I now have decreased headaches, less sinus issues, and less hip discomfort and neck pain. The results are exciting and I want more! 

-Jessica H.

I've been on sleep medication for a couple of years and I really didn't like the way I felt. I also had aches from working on a computer all day. I'm completely off the sleep medication and I'm sleeping great and feel much better. I also have fewer headaches and no longer need medication for acid reflux. I'm very pleased with my progress and how I feel. I look forward to the next stage of care and anticipate continued improvements.

-Terri J.

Upon the referral of a friend, I came to Body In Balance with a desire to improve my overall quality of life, to help with recurring pain, and to avoid a third knee surgery. On a daily basis, I find myself breathing more deeply and learning to respond to stress a little differently. Last week, I came in with some rather debilitating knee pain and it was gone by the time I walked out of the office! Thanks! I continue to receive care to continue to improve! I am looking forward to the upcoming Stage 2 class so maybe my brain can catch up to my body.

-Erin S.

I was referred by my friend. I wanted to see what NSA was all about. I worked for a chiropractor and never heard of this method! I have had neck stiffness and shoulder tightness and also a chronic cough with Pulmonary Reactive Airway Disease. My neck and shoulders have improved tremendously and my cough seems to be getting better. I want my health to improve, especially with my lungs. I feel release of tension and stress with treatments and it is down time just for me!

-Melanie P.

I was having 3-4 headaches a week and many lasting all day until I took Excedrin for migraines. I also had stiffness in my check and shoulders and occasional pain in one hip. After just 3 treatments, I could tell a difference in my body. It was more relaxed, I was more at ease and I had a sense of wellbeing that I’d never experienced before. Dr. Scott advised that I drink only water for the headaches even when they came in the middle of the night. I couldn’t believe the relief that gave. After 5 months of care, I still experience a huge sense of well-being. The headaches are much less frequent and don’t last but an hour or two. My body is more relaxed and I can move with a lot more ease. My posture is better and it is no longer difficult to stand up straight. I’m also experiencing greater mental clarity and more energy (which I did not expect). I think this practice and this office are doing an incredible service and I am benefitting greatly. Thank you!

–Geneca M.

I hurt my back 3 years ago and was having some menopause symptoms. I now have a lot less back pain. I sleep better and feel a lot better in general with less hot flashes. I continue to receive care because I like the way I am feeling.

-Lisa C.

I was disabled with shoulder and arm pain. I could not sleep well or lift my arm for simple tasks. Also, I had lots of personal stress. I now have almost complete restoration of range of motion in my shoulder. The pain is greatly reduced. I can sleep! Also, as I return to a place of comfort in my body, I feel I am growing spiritually as well. I feel I have much to learn about practicing self-care for my body. I believe it will help balance out my head/mind/focus and allow me to grow as a full person, connected to my body. 

-Julia W.

I was grinding my teeth and had to wear a bite plate at night. Twice in four months, I found myself hunched over and unable to walk. When Body In Balance showed me my x-rays, I looked as if I had aged 50 years! I am no longer wearing my bite plate and I am able to handle stress much better. I am more relaxed and kind to others, and I no longer have back pain! In addition, I am rarely sick and if I do get ill, it passes within a day. Stress is inevitable in our lives. I am coping much better and managing life. The doctors at Body In Balance help to release this stress. I have discovered that a healthy spine means a healthier me! Thank you so much!

-Tammy A.

Allergies and Immune System

This is really helping me with my neck problems and headaches. Since I've been coming here I feel like a new person. This also helps with my allergies and when I am sick. I really enjoying coming here, and I hope to come for the rest of my life.

- Angelique O.

No more neck pain - therefore no more headaches and my allergies have improved greatly so that I don't have to take allergy medication. My knees no longer have any pain and I sleep better and longer. I feel great!! 

- Joyce A.

I can breathe so much better now! I have been coming here for many years, since before these offices here – they were across the street. I never feel the catch in my back that always used to be there.

- Anne W.

In years past I got sick with throat or sinus infections several times per year. In the last year, with a more consistent chiropractic care plan, I've only shown such symptoms a couple times, and have been able to heal much faster and without meds! Yay!

- Jen F.

Children & Pregnancy

Two months ago I had severe shoulder pain as well as heel and leg pain, making it painful to walk as well and sleep. Family situation added a lot of emotional stress too! Yesterday I realized my shoulder doesn't hurt at all! My heel pain is greatly improved and flexibility is returning to my leg. I am sleeping better and feel much more able to handle the "surprises" of life. The most amazing change is what Drs. Scott and Leah brought to our 2 month old grandson Mathew. Their "butterfly" touches made a sad colicy baby into a sweet happy little man almost instantly. Blessings to you both!

- Joanne B.

I was overdue with my 4th baby. After coming here I went into labor within 6 hours. I had a very fast, easy labor - the best one I've had yet. I have also felt better since coming here.

- Jen

I have become much more aware of my body and how I carry tension/stress thanks to Dr. Leah. I have tips to de-stress between appointments. She also provides resources as I go through my first pregnancy. Thank you Dr. Leah!

- Caryn H.

I have been with Body In Balance since I was 3. I am now 11 and I still come every other week. My spine is great. I believe this chiropractor is the best, and I plan to come here until I am at least 18. Keep it up Body In Balance.

- Sam M.


I am able to digest food better. It has reduced muscle strain in neck and shoulders.

- William W.

Since starting with Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah in August 2008 my digestion has improved, including an inoperable hyatal hernia, partly by becoming more aware of my body and my posture. Adding a pillow mid-back while I'm driving has opened up my esophagus and breathing passage.

- Kathleen N.

Heart Health

My outlook and energy has increased fantastically. I look forward to each day now as I feel great. Both Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah have done a tremendous job on me - my diabetes is doing great and under control! Better heart health - my doctor has asked and told me I'm in great shape now so thanks to Body in Balance!

- Phil A.

I have had problems with high blood pressure for the last five years. Yesterday I had my blood pressure checked and I have normal blood pressure now. I am sure that Network care has helped me in this area where medication has not.

- Trish P.


I had horrible migraines that would last for weeks. Sometimes they would get so bad that I couldn't sleep to escape the pain. I had tried seeing a chiropractor before, but quit after 6 months because the migraines weren't getting any better. Then a friend told me about Body in Balance. I don't have migraines at all anymore. I am more sensitive to my body so I am less likely to do things that cause me pain. I breathe better now. I had a car accident and when my doctor didn't do x-ray's, Body in Balance did to make sure that I was okay. They helped me make sure I didn't have long-term damage.

- Tia J.

Body in Balance Chiropractic and Wellness Center gave me back my life! I can't imagine where I'd be without them. I tried other chiropractic techniques, but network care is what finally took my pain away, and has helped me heal on so many levels. I had chronic daily migraines from age 14, along with depression and anxiety, and daily neck pain from age 23. After 3 weeks of treatment I felt happy and more at peace. Amazing!! After about 3 months of treatment my chronic daily migraines were gone!! (and have not returned!!) And my neck pain was going away. It's been three years now, and they help me manage my daily stress, while working on layers of healing from past trauma. Wow, they can help on so many different levels. They even adjust my toddler and newborn, which I am so thankful for!! I trust Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah to give my family the best care and best advice. They are the best at what they do. I have seen them help so many people and change so many lives over the years. They truly care for their clients and the community. I can say this, because as a former employee, I saw firsthand their love, commitment, and generosity and the countless lives they changed. If you are committed to your well being and healing, there is no better place than Body in Balance and Drs. Scott and Leah to be by your side through the process. I am beyond thankful for them. If you are on the fence about where to go for your health concerns or health maintenance, let me assure you that Body in Balance will take care of you.

- Dessa L.

I came in to get relief from migraines, but gained a lot more. Found I handled stress better, can respond to intense situations with much more clarity. It works great on skeletal issues, without cracking and causing trauma. But, I discovered it also expands into mental aspects.

- Crystal W.

The first thing I noticed after 3 visits was a sense of well being that I’ve never had before though I’ve had a long time meditation practice. This was not what I expected. It is wonderful! And it has continued for the 4 months I’ve been coming here. Then physically, I’ve had bad headaches for years (2-3/week sometimes). Those have been cut to about 3-4 a month and they are of much less intensity. So I love what this practice does. Everyone here is so caring and friendly. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

- Genca

I have only been coming here for about 3 weeks but I can already start to feel a change for the better! Headaches are going away along with numbness in my arms. Overall starting to feel better in my whole body.

- Tony R.

The thing I’ve noticed is the decrease in my C-1 and headache pain.

- Jeremy H.

Network chiropractic with Dr. Leah and Dr. Scott – I have noticed less stiffness and soreness overall. I began with frequent headaches and rarely have them now. More importantly there is more flow in my body and my life! More flexibility and openness to all the changes flowing through my life! Thank you!

- Michelle G.

Nothing but extreme thanks and gratitude to the Drs. and their staff. After suffering from severe migraines for years, I feel as if I’m getting my life back. No amount of dark rooms and drugs could ever do what the Drs. have done for me. Their genuine caring and support has made a huge difference in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me not only find me, but find a better me than I ever could have imagined!

- Megan M.


My husband and I have been patients of Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah Hahn at Body in Balance since February 2008. I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and have been on medication to deal with it for 9 years. I have had only mild improvement with the medication. In April of 2008 my physician determined that I would have a drug holiday and took me off the medication per his concerns regarding side effects and the minimal improvement I had experienced. I continued to take the same supplements including vitamin D and calcium and of course I exercise religiously. The only that changed in my regime is that we see Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah on a regular basis. December is my anniversary to have a bone density test. To my physcian's surprise and to my great joy the test revealed a giant leap in bone density in both my hips and spine. My spine is now at over 98% density with my hips moving out of the osteoporosis category, a huge improvement. I have reviewed my situation and have come to the conclusion that working with Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah has largely contributed to the health of my bones. I feel blessed to be under their care.

- Jami U.

Weight Loss

The most noticeable result is my weight loss. 70 lbs in a year. Everyone asks me how I did it. I tell them I have found the source of my strength and natural ability to heal my life at Body in Balance. Any small amount of money I spend will come back to me triple fold in health and energy. With weekly adjustments my life just keeps getting better and better.

- June L.

I have been on this program for two months and I do not have cravings anymore. I am also losing weight while enjoying some very tasty meals, thanks to Jenn’s great recipes. She has been such a great encouragement to me and has been able to free me from over 50 years of fighting those cravings. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everything; all of your help has really changed my life!

-Dennis S.

Pain Relief

My knees were hurting constantly. It no longer hurts my knees to walk or sit for long periods of time. I continue care so the pain will go away fully.

-Gwyn M.

After just one adjustment my neck and shoulders quit hurting immediately, almost completely! I was amazed but very pleased. I'm feeling so much better and am without pain.

-Alice S.

I was in a car accident and my right arm was going numb from the accident. The doctors fixed my right arm numbness as well as a 13-year-old pinched nerve. I love the people here! They make me feel welcome and I love how they ask, “how are you doing today?”

-April L.

I suffered overall stiffness in my hips, back, hands, neck, and knees. I stretch for 30 minutes every morning, but still no relief. Since coming to BIB, the stiffness is much less. I notice my hips feel better when I walk. I have no hand or knee pain. I also had sciatica pain which is gone. We’re still working on my neck pain, but it’s improving too. Why not continue when you feel better and have more energy! The staff and doctors are awesome. I enjoy coming to each session! Classes are very informative.

-Pat L.

Lower back and neck pain made my daily life miserable. I feel more balanced and the lower back pain has diminished greatly. “It’s a great day at Body In Balance!” Great people and great adjustments! Thanks!

-Max M.

My mid-back hurt for 3 days unlike my WHOLE back as before. I can now straddle the wide part of the table (had to be at the top, narrow part before). I feel things opening up (i.e. lower chakras) and I'm doing things I've not been able to do for the longest time (i.e. clean out things in my home!) This is BIG! Thank-you!

- Nancy F.

Thanks Dr. Hahn and Dr. Hahn, tasks such as driving or typing on my computer went from being excruciating to now pain-free! My gratitude for Body in Balance is beyond measure and I cannot give enough thanks to this practice for instilling a renewed sense of hope in my life! Thank-you!! You are all wonderful!!!

- Jacqueline D.

The last five years of my life, I have been living with and adapting to severe abdominal and body pain. For the last five weeks, since I started chiropractic, I have been living without pain and adapting to a life of feeling good, having more energy, and learning to take good care of me.

- Melissa F.

I CAN WALK AGAIN!! I was so out of whack it was difficult for me to walk any distance without great pain in my hip. After a few treatments I was out hiking with my husband - can't wait to feel even better!

-Karen M.

Dr. Leah and Dr. Scott are literally changed lives with their comprehensive wellness care. I have had chronic pain for most of my life and have pursued help through traditional western medicine as well as most forms of alternative medicine. NSA has been the only treatment that has reduced my pain. Unlike other practitioners, they have encouraged me and supported me in making lifestyle changes that are the key to optimal health. I have known so many people whose lives have been changed by working with them. I would strongly encourage everyone to learn about the care that they offer and come in for a consultation.

- Carolee M.

Best chiro ever. When I walked into BIB I wasn't well. I had been to a zap and crack chiro after a car accident, but those adjustments were causing more pain. Shortly after I started going to BIB, I noticed changes in my back, my gait and my pain level decreased immediately. The doctors are carrying and amazing. It's been several years and I continue to see changes in my x- rays and progress exams. More than that, I feel great! I'm not sure I'd be walking, or gardening, or snowboarding, or biking or hiking without the care of Body in Balance Wellness Center. They are WAY better than traditional chiropractors. Don't wait any longer. Go there! You'll be very happy you did!

- Laura B.

I have been seeing Drs. Leah and Scott for about 9 months now and my back pain has improved considerably. They are an ultra-caring team that goes the extra mile to make their patients feel valued.

- Meghan E.

I have been a practice member at Body in Balance for 7 years. I love caring for my body with regular adjustments that reduce stress and continue to teach my body how to keep itself in alignment. My work is very physical and demanding. What a pleasure to be comfortable as I work and be able to keep up with an active twelve year old and two dogs! I originally came because of knee and hip pain on my right side. These symptoms went away after only 3 weeks of care. I had been in pain for the better part of 2 years and didn't want to endure arthroscopic investigation. My stamina has improved, my sleep is more sound and my perspective is more optimistic. The staff is warm and helpful and Dr.s Scott and Leah are a wonderful balance to each other with their personalities and perspectives on care. I am so pleased to explore options in health care that are holistic, non-invasive and extremely effective. I no longer feel vulnerable in my own body and know that I take the lead every day in creating my own wellness! Thanks to everyone at Body in Balance.

- Anne G.

Drs. Scott and Leah Hahn are two of the most caring and compassionate doctors I know. They are laser focused on helping their patients overcome their healthcare challenges and achieve their healthcare goals. Whether you are looking for relief from pain or a more in-depth healthcare problem, Drs. Scott and Leah are the docs that can help you and I highly recommend their practice. You will love them!

- Dane D.

So grateful for their entire staff! In less than a year my back has made huge improvements.

- Angie S.

Wow! I've only been going to Body in Balance for 3 weeks and already have noticed a huge difference in my upper neck area. I have more energy, feel calmer, and had less insomnia. Body in Balance is awesome!

- Kendra G.

I had severe low back and left thigh pain due to my hip not being aligned properly. I think the nerve was pinched. I was taking 6-8 Advil a day! I started to take less and less Advil as I went through care. Today I don’t take any Advil, even if I have a headache because my body has learned to heal itself! Thank you BIB for helping!

- Anonymous

I have had much less back pain since I have been treated at BIB. I have also learned a lot from Dr. Leah’s evening classes.

- Don C.

My low back pain is 100% improved. Yes, I am glad I chose chiropractic.

- Anonymous

My hip used to hurt all the time, making hiking and walking painful, and even sitting too long. Now my hip is fine, just like nothing ever happened. Yay!

- Anonymous

My health has improved since having adjustments at BIB. I could not open my mouth as my jaw was so tight and now through BIB, I’m able to eat normally.

- Anonymous

I’ve had low back problems for many, many years and I find this work to bring me relief. Had a horrible experience with another “snap & crack” doctor so this method was wonderful in giving me peace of mind when being worked on.

- Connie R.

After having my back “go out” a week ago, I’m back to walking without pain after just 3 adjustments. The gentle touch and opening of points along my spine has heightened my awareness of breathing and a healthy spine.

- Janet L.

Before I started, I had to roll out of bed and stand up in stages due to back pain. No more. Can get up without hesitation and I am working on all-around life balance and making healthy choices.

- Anonymous

I was in a tense pain in my low left back for so long. After all of the adjustments (magic fingers – the wonders) I feel wonderful and back to my old self. Thanks for all you’ve done. I have recommended everyone I know to come to you.

- Anonymous

In the past couple of years I have gone from having adjustments 2-3x/week to 2-3x/month. My progress has been great. I do much more walking and other activities without as much pain as in the past. It helps me to keep it going.

- Denice

I love network chiropractic and especially of the “healers” at Body In Balance! My body does too. I feel so much better since I started my care! Neck, shoulders, and low back are all better! And my spine has changed its curvature and placement for the better. Who would have thought? Thank you so much!

- Barbara G.

You guys are awesome! Fixed my acute pain almost immediately and now working on getting even better.

- Anonymous

After a long slow recovery from a spinal fracture, I am returning to more intense physical activity with the confidence that I will not be negatively impacted. Thank you!

- Steve F.

My neck has not felt so good in years. I can definitely feel my body shifting and straightening.

- Anonymous

Less pain makes the work day better, sleeping, better posture, and breathing easier.

- Anonymous

No more sciatica nerve pain in my legs anymore. Breaths are deeper and breaths alone are moving my spine and ribs into readjustment. Body is loose allowing for things to move to new places when they are out, meaning less recovery time.

- MB

My health has improved greatly – the discomfort in my neck area greatly improved. All the other adjustments and the breathing has also helped me control and relieve some of the discomfort. With the adjustments my outlook has changed immensely. Also – keep on smiling and getting adjusted – what a blessing the Drs. have been.

- Darlene B.

My neck pain has been almost reduced to nothing!! I can hike, walk, semi-run (need to work on lungs) without severe pain! Appetite has changed. Eager to be and live a healthier lifestyle!

- Taws R.

We were on vacation boogie boarding. Not sure what happened, but couldn’t lift my left arm afterwards. The pain traveled all around my shoulder and neck! When we got back I came in, and Dr. Leah worked on me. Immediately my body went back to a healthy pattern and I felt better.

- Anne M.

When I had my first appointment I was suffering from lower back pain (spinal stenosis and scoliosis) and hip pain. I am now free of hip and back pain and have more energy and feel better than I have in years. I am 83 years old and have started a walk/run exercise program as well as working out at the gym twice a week and yoga.

- Anne C.

My experience has been wonderful with great improvement. I am better able to handle stress, my posture is also slowly improving. The hip pain is now gone and rarely comes back. I don’t see how I made it without coming to you all!

- Chyne D.

Since April, I’ve had more balance and calm in my life. My back pain is gone and I’m feeling 100% better than I did in February. Thank you Dr. Leah & Dr. Scott.

- Julie L.

I can move more, stand and walk longer. I can sit longer. I could not do it before I started here. I had pain and my back was weak. Now I can hold my granddaughter.

- Barb L.

Had hip problems for three years. Since I have been coming here I have less and less pain each month. Thank you.

- Erin W.

I haven’t been able to lay flat on my back for years without severe pain. Today, I was able to do floor exercises with very little pain! It was great.

- Wendy K.

I feel so much better that I can’t wait for my appointments! My back is straighter and stronger than it has been in years! I can feel the difference in learning how to breath deep and it helps me every day in all of my activities. Thank you so much BIB for all you do!!!

- Rhonda R.

For about 3 years now I’ve had electric pulses throughout my body that are extremely painful. After trying and going to several people nothing worked. But after being here only 2 months they have completely disappeared. I am more calm and peaceful in life which if you ask anyone that knows me, is a miracle. 

- Asia D.

I have to admit I wondered how such gentle touch could do anything to relieve the pain in my hips! So far my hip feels betters and I got some results I never imagined! I sleep better, and my mood has GREATLY improved. (Digestion is better too but we will leave out the details!!) THANKS!! My husband thanks you too!

- Sylvia R.

I do smile again. Dr. Leah and Dr. Scott have brought such joy and wellbeing to my life. After 3 months of pain, I am enjoying life, being with friends, and life is so joyful. My friends have noticed that I’m back to my “old” self. Thank you for giving me my life back.

- Lexi E.

Low back pain is all gone. Yay! Much improved posture and strategies for keeping good posture while driving. Legs and hips are behaving like they should.

- Nicki

Overall feeling much better. Can stand longer without as much pain. Feels better mentally due to less pain.

- Jean W.

A 40-year long Paresis in right thigh has "come back to life." There are too many other positive changes to mention. Network care helps me survive healthfully.

- Gayle A.

Overall well being is better, numbness in feet, hands, hips, and face has gotten way better! Less anxiety, less drug cravings especially right after adjustments. Improved posture and improved neck pain. All symptoms are better.


I have dealt with severe numbness in my right arm for over 23 years. This was my main focus for coming in. For the first time I have enjoyed 4 weeks of no numbness as well as correcting so many other issues. My energy level and mental clarity has all been increased. Cannot recommend them enough.

- Greg D.

General Well Being and Stress Relief

It is wonderful to understand that as my body "unfolds"…so does my life. I used to live with a spine that reflected old thoughts and stresses. Now my nervous system more closely reflects who I am today and moves toward who I dream of being. Many thanks!

- Anne G.

Dr. Leah and Dr. Scott have gone above and beyond for me and my family more than once. They are more than great chiropractors; they are there to help you learn how to live healthfully. I have been to several different chiropractors in my life and they are the best! The whole team at Body in Balance is awesome!

- Alisha K.

Drs. Scott and Leah Hahn and the team at Body In Balance offer an outstanding opportunity to heal and balance your body, mind and spirit and move into a space of well being. I have been a regular patient for the past 6 months and am eternally grateful for making that first appointment! Give them a call; it is a life-changing opportunity! 

- Connie C.

Body in Balance offers a comprehensive approach. If you have specific or general pain issues this is a great place to start to reverse the causes of that pain and learn better habits to put into practice to gain wellness. I highly recommend Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah and their team.

- Sandra C.

Absolutely outstanding chiropractors. Extremely thorough, great communicators and dedicated to people's healing from within. Very grateful they are here and help so many people in our community. 

- Daniel K.

Authentic community, real results, and true wellness... I didn't know what I was missing out until I experience their sincere and gifted staff... that I call friends now.

- Travis M.

Dr. Leah and Dr. Scott are very approachable, knowledgeable and mindful. I feel very taken care of in their office. The staff is amazing! I have been impressed many times over!

- Denae R.

I would recommend Dr. Scott and Dr Leah to everyone, and in fact, do so all the time.

- Jeanne S.

The doctors are very knowledgable and friendly and give life-changing experiences to many people that come through their door.

- Michael N.

Body in Balance Wellness Center is TOP NOTCH.  My family has been under the care of Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah for a while now and they are absolutely incredible. They are extremely caring, professional, and knowledgable. It's quite amazing what one adjustment does for your body and your mindset! I cannot recommend these guys highly enough!

- Sue C.

My energy is moving very well and I have been able to walk better. The pain has decreased a lot. Thank you very much for your help.

- Anonymous

I love Body In Balance!! Have been coming regularly for 3+ years now and know it is an integral part of my life. I cannot remember the last time I was sick. All of life becomes easier with this care, I’m able to remain “in the flow” as the things of life come and go, and I am forever grateful. Thank you!!

- Anonymous

Since I joined BIB and came for regular adjustments, my back has been the best it has ever been. Overall I feel more balanced and my overall health has improved. The deep impact of the adjustments makes my week easier.

- Anonymous

So many improvements! Increased peace of mind, happier, healthier! Our whole family comes and they experience the same thing!

- Anonymous

I feel so much more capable of optimal health! I feel like my body is learning to release tension and stress and learning to reconnect with those areas that I’ve shut down for so long. I’m so grateful for the return of hope in my life!

- Anonymous

My sessions with Dr. Leah have helped me stay more relaxed. The one-on-one help has given me information to help improve my health and wellbeing.

- Anonymous

Can tell a difference when we don’t come for a week. See an overall difference in our bodies, more awareness of what we’re putting in our bodies and how it effects us. More energy and overall wellness. Thank you all for having a part in helping our family develop a better way of life!

- Anonymous

Helped recover from car accidents. Also the classes have improved my nutrition.

- Cathy

I am more cheerful, feel better physically, and am getting out of my comfort zone!

- Todd

I’ve been standing straighter and am more capable in life. Including: swim lessons with my daughter, mowing the huge lawn, and playing with my giant dog. Thanks guys!!!

- Anonymous

I love coming in to receive adjustments. I can feel the energy moving through by body and relaxing me which is key for me with my busy life. I have made positive changes in my life while receiving adjustments. I enjoy the staff and my “me” time. Thanks!

- Heather B.

I have stayed very healthy since I started receiving care. If I’ve become sick, I healed very quickly. I also feel mentally healthy.

- Anonymous

My energy level keeps increasing. I love to walk with my dogs, daughter, and grandson and I now have the energy to do that and more. I encourage everyone I know to come to BIB. I know I still have a ways to go to improve my body due to my job and the length of time before I came to BIB. Thank you. Every day I feel better and stronger.

- Anonymous

I am so much more in touch with my body than a few years ago before I started coming here. Nowadays I’m aware of so much going on within, so things don’t get bad before I notice. Thanks a bunch!

- Anonymous

I feel more aligned structurally since attending Body In Balance. My health status is better overall.

- Anonymous

We love BIB! Everyone here is great! It’s kind of funny but it seems the most I notice my improvements in health and well being is when I miss my appointments and feel the consequences! Without the rain, we wouldn’t appreciate the sunshine as much!


One of the best testaments to my improved health and well being came from the people I work with and my boss. They have definitely noticed how I’m not holding on to my stress – I’m more peaceful in the midst of change, I’m more patient, and I’m experiencing situations and then letting them go. It was so nice to hear that perspective of what I have been experiencing and know to be true – all because of Body In Balance!!

- Barb H.

I’m continually grateful for what this practice brings to my life. Enhanced health and well being in all aspects of my world. And the support through changes is phenomenal! Thank you!!

- Nancy F.

I am letting go of things, people, and events that no longer serve me! I am creating new habits!

- Anonymous

I feel like my spirit was operating inside a four cylinder Hyundai when I first arrived. I’ve work through the 8 cylinder Dodge Ram pickup and now I cruise around in my perfectly tuned Infinity!

- Barbara T.

Coming to Body In Balance for the last 6 years has helped me with my HEALTH. I have been in many car accidents so that was my primary reason for coming. However, my total health has been maintained with regular treatments and I am stable with my chronic kidney disease.

- Cathy M.

I feel the long lasting effects of my experiences at BIB. Balance, focus, awareness, improved posture, ease, comfort, and more!

- Amy T.

I think my favorite thing about chiropractic is that I don’t have to do it “alone.” The chiropractors adjust my spine to support me in the physical and emotional changes I want to make. I love how chiropractic makes me feel!

- Barbara H.

Since I’ve joined BIB I have made great improvements! At first, I felt “stiff.” I now feel “free” and more flexible. This has been a great experience and I look forward to learning more about my body.

- Natasha

Feel fabulous and after being on anti-depressants for 10 years - I was able to stop taking it. Chiropractic with Dr. Scott and Leah has changed my life.

- A.

I am breathing deeper, sleeping deeper and enjoying a sense of well being. I feel so relaxed and not stressed. I have noticed that I have less joint pain and my stress and anxiety levels have decreased. As a result, I am much more relaxed. Network Chiropractic has been very helpful, especially with all the transitions that I have experienced in this last year.

- Susan A

My job is very stressful. My weekly visit enables me to do my job better. Also many people at work are sick a lot and I seldom get sick.

- Melinda R.

I sleep well at night, feel balanced and am walking 3-4 miles at a time. I’m sure I’m taller or at least feel that way!

- Ang T.

Dear. Dr. Leah, Thank-you so much for the session yesterday, it was a pleasure, surprise treat, and (of course) most timely in my wellness journey. Everything is for a reason! I am constantly amazed and eternally thankful. The 'head pain' I mentioned has been transformed, at least in this part of the process. What an incredible multi-dimensional Life journey this is - thank you!


 Angels to My Rescue, By Shelby L June 15, 2008

I feel the gentle touch

and the healing begins

I take a deep breath and my body responds

From the very beginning

Drs. Scott and Leah

Help me beat all the odds

Be it cancer or domestic violence

There is nothing we can't beat

Even though the touches are gentle

My body feels the heat

Sometimes in my healing

I feel some discomfort

I have learned to embrace it

I have learned to respect it

Because from there we can go fourth

There are no limits to how my body reacts

I must keep my mind's eye looking at the facts

It is a fact that when I feel I am going backwards

I am taking a running jump

I remember that pain is trauma releasing

I breathe into it and release it

I tune into my heart

Join the rhythm of it beating

I have been given such a gift

To receive this perfect healing

While lying on the table I can't see the ceiling

I must trust the touch

I must trust the healing

I let go of the past

Realize it is history

For with Drs. Scott and Leah

We will have the victory

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me back my life yet again.



Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am - 11:20 am

2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


8:30 am - 11:20 am


8:30 am - 11:20 am

2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


8:30 am - 11:20 am

2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


Admin Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
Admin Hours 9:00 am - 12:00 pm