Workplace wellness

Welcome to Body In Balance Wellness Center

We congratulate you for taking a proactive step towards better health and wellbeing.  Upon entering our office for your first visit, you will be welcomed by one of our team members.  We request that you complete our online patient forms located in the New Patient Center and bring them with you to your initial appointment.  This information provides us with your health history and important information regarding any current health concerns.  

During your consultation with either Dr. Scott Hahn, D.C. or Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C., we will discuss your health-related issues and concerns.  The initial visit is designed for us to learn more about you as well as your goals for seeking our help.  After the consultation, we will conduct a chiropractic examination, most likely including sEMG, spinal thermography tests, Heart Rate Variability Testing (HRV), and/or other neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical tests the doctor recommends.  Depending on your health history and current concerns, we may take X-rays. 

Report of Findings

After reviewing your health history, goals, and testing, Dr. Scott Hahn, D.C. or Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C. will let you know if they can help you and discuss recommendations.  Drs. Hahn will design an action plan with the intent of meeting your individual needs and goals.  It is our objective to provide recommendations that will allow for optimized healing, improved function, and a better quality of life.

Network Spinal Analysis Care

Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) is a gentle, specific, and neurologically-based approach to chiropractic.  How is NSA different? Traditional chiropractic focuses on finding areas of the spine that are not moving appropriately or are out of alignment and applying a quick thrust to the spine to move it back into place.  Many clients of this type of care report that as they resume their normal life activities, they notice the spine moves back to its previous position.  They may then report pain in the same areas consistently. 

NSA takes a different approach.  The brain sends messages through the spine to muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments.  When a chronic condition exists in someone’s physiology, the brain is often using dysfunctional nerve-signaling patterns to communicate with these structures.  With the analysis process used in NSA, we are able to identify areas of the spine that need to dissipate tension and shift signaling patterns.   Over time, as tension dissipates, the nervous system can engage in creating new, more functional patterns that allow for balancing, increased function of the spine, improved movement patterns, increased resiliency, and healing[1].



Traditional chiropractic uses what many patients consider to be invasive forces to adjust the spine.  This can increase the body’s fight-or-flight (sympathetic nervous system) reaction.  This can be counterproductive for the healing process.  NSA instead decreases the sympathetic nervous system response and promotes an increase of the parasympathetic response, promoting the healing response, increasing relaxion, and ease within the body as well as the mind.    

Level One of NSA Care: We are working to dissipate tension from the spine to improve neural integrity and to increase brain-body awareness, decrease fight-or-flight physiology, and stimulate the healing process.  A somato-respiratory wave typically develops, which is a body-breath wave that moves spinal fluid throughout the spinal canal for promotion of healing spinal structures.  

Progress Checks: We provide sEMG and spinal thermography tests as measurements to monitor shifting neurological patterning, spinal health improvements as well as check-ins for patients to discuss progress, goals, etc.


Level Two of NSA Care: We are working for the brain become aware of tension patterns, and actually temporarily amplify that tension and redirect it so that the tension becomes fuel to shift and change the spine.  Tension can then be used as the fuel for transformation and healing.  Tension is what holds a person anchored in a position of non-safety.  Lack of safety is the basis for all physiological stress and the way we accumulate this stress is directly associated with the way we experience the world.  

Reorganizational Healing: Instead of temporarily relieving a problem, NSA works to get to the root of the tension pattern--the root of the distress within the nervous system.  With consistency, NSA helps to create healing as well as new, more functional nervous system patterning, improved resiliency and adaptability, and an improved quality of life for the patient.  

Results of a study of over 2800 NSA participants showed the following results[2]:

  • Decrease in Physical Symptoms
  • Improved Mental/Emotional State
  • Improved Stress Management
  • Improved Life Enjoyment
  • Improved Overall Quality of Life 

We offer educational classes at Body In Balance Wellness Center for you to learn more about what to expect during the process of healing with Network Spinal Analysis care. Be sure to check out our Events page for our upcoming schedule. 

You can also visit our Resources page to learn more about Network Spinal Analysis. Please scroll down below the “Meet the Team” videos to the “Network Spinal Analysis” section.


Read what our patients have to say about their experiences. 

[1] Senzon, S., Lemburger, D., Epstein, D.: The Network Spinal Wave as a Central Pattern Generator. 2016, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

[2] Blanks, RH; Boone, WR; Schuster, T; Dobson, M: Network Care: A Retrospective outcomes assessment. 1996 Dobson, M; Boone WR; Blanks, RH; Women and Alternative Health Care; A Retrospective Study of Recipients of Network Care. 1996


Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am - 11:20 am

2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


8:30 am - 11:20 am


8:30 am - 11:20 am

2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


8:30 am - 11:20 am

2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


Admin Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
Admin Hours 9:00 am - 12:00 pm