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Drs. Scott and Leah Hahn provide advanced spinal care utilizing a revolutionary, highly effective chiropractic technique called Network Spinal Analysis (NSA). NSA is not only the most specific chiropractic technique, but it is also the most researched. 

Any chiropractor is trained to adjust the spine, but learning how to practice NSA takes years more of training. Most chiropractic techniques do not have a strong system of analysis to determine the root cause of a patient's health challenge. NSA has one of the most in-depth forms of analysis available to uncover where spinal misalignments are located and how those misalignments are affecting someone's function and well-being. Because NSA is so strong in its analysis, very specific adjustments allow the healing process to accelerate. Drs. Scott and Leah can get to the root of the issue, versus simply adjusting the same bone back into place over and over again. Even better, this is all done in a gentle, relaxing, and effective manner that does not cause stress to the nervous system.

During NSA care, Drs. Scott and Leah apply low force touch contacts on specific contact points along the body, called Spinal Gateways. These gentle contacts send a message to the brain that allows it to connect more effectively with the spine and the body. As the body adapts, the patterns in which nerves fire become reorganized. The intent of NSA care is to enable the body's own self-generated mechanisms of healing and to assist in the correction of tension patterns and interference to the nervous system.

NSA advances patients through a series of levels, which help the body heal and adapt more effectively to the stressful situations we all deal with in life. NSA chiropractic care has been shown to improve spinal and neural integrity, adaptability, and significantly advance wellness as well as quality of life.

Never in the history of chiropractic have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists. This method is safe, gentle, and relaxing - with no popping or cracking. Due to the gentleness of this approach, Drs. Scott and Leah have adjusted babies on their first day of life, men and women in their late 90s, and all ages in between.

Please visit our Resources page for videos explaining more about Network Spinal Analysis.

Kelly W.

Paul B.

Troy F.

Mary G.

Jill H.

I chose Body In Balance after reading online how they would asses all aspects of my health to create a personalized long term plan. I was dealing with years of chronic neck pain radiating and starting to cause tingling and numbness in my hands. The nutrition aspect was a huge interest of mine and has impacted my lifestyle tremendously. I have now been a member for 5 years.My past chiropractic care had been focused on more abrupt adjustments that forced alignments for a quick and temporary fix.  My experience with NSA has consistently felt like my body and nervous system are working together to correct my specific issues. It is such a positive moment in my day when I find myself moving in a specific way, that I have not been able to do for years. I have less inflammation, sleep quality has improved, ability to focus throughout the day, increased ability to enjoy my free time with physical activities again and my overall attitude and disposition is more positive (chronic pain can be depressing). I am able to get back to enjoying my career in the dental field without constant pain and worry or fear of permanent damage to my neck and hands."

-Mary G.

Due to the chiropractor that I had been seeing relocating, I wanted to find care closer to where I live and work. Many of my co-workers have recommended Body In Balance. I have also witnessed some amazing transformations of patients and felt this would be an ideal change to support my health. I have been in NSA care for a little more than 2 months now.

I have fallen in LOVE with NSA chiropractic care!!! Since the age of 9, I have had regular chiropractic 

care with traditional manual adjustments. However, I have experienced greater shifts correcting the root of my subluxations with NSA adjustments. With each adjustment appointment lasting 20-40 minutes, this allows your body to fully relax and allows the subtle adjustments to "hold" with greater ease. These NSA adjustments also address the body on all levels, not just the physical or environmental levels that contribute to subluxation patterns, transforming the whole body.

I have experienced so many improvements in the past 2 months that I am very grateful for.

They are as follows:

  • Feeling more centered and grounded
  • Being able to relax and sleeping better
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion
  • Ability to breathe deeper and much easier, without the use of my asthma inhaler
  • Increased positive sense of wellbeing

During the past 2 months, I have experienced many benefits including less anxiety and stress that allows me to make time to be fully present in the moment. I have also found it easier to focus on tasks, which supports my goals to be more efficient. Now I have an overall sense of peace in my life that has contributed to increased happiness and joy.

-Shannon K. 

I came to Body In Balance due to increasing lower back pain. Talking to my neighbor, who is a patient, got me in "to get the whole picture" with Dr. Scott and get back to better health with less pain. I have been in NSA care since early October. My favorite aspect of care is getting back to following the "natural" way to better health. NSA is totally unlike any chiropractic I was familiar with! No more pulls and cracks! :)

Since beginning care, I have 90% less lower back pain and I am taking time to breathe, slow down, and am sleeping a whole lot better. I knew after the first adjustment I'd be back and I'd never hurt like this again. Now that I am in NSA care, I'm more sure of myself. I am certainly a whole lot more comfortable -- able to stand and sit without so much pain. Not such a grouch lately. :)

-Linda H. 

My wife decided to give Body In Balance a try, hoping it would reduce her hip pain, and it really worked! I'd been dealing with back and neck pain for most of my life, but the tingling, numbness, and loss of strength in my right arm was getting to be too much. I needed to try something! 

tried the traditional "cracking" chiropractic care for many years and eventually gave it up. NSA care is so gentle. It's amazing how much difference a little pressure on the right spot can make. These adjustments, along with the suggested exercise routine, have been life-changing.

I now bounce back from physical activity like yardwork much faster. I feel I have a much more positive attitude. And a positive attitude can really make dreams come true!

-Michael B. 

I began seeing Dr. Scott and Dr. Leah to resolve the regular headaches and brain fog I had been dealing with for a year, as well as a "twingy" ankle. I have been in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) care since February 2020.

I have tried standard chiropractic care (with manual adjustments) and physical therapy. Standard chiropractic care was not right for me because it left me hyperlax and too unstable.  PT was extremely beneficial, but I felt there was something at the root of my pain left unaddressed.  NSA was the key to fixing that root problem, allowing PT to make an even bigger difference. Within a month of treatment my headaches nearly disappeared.  With increased stress I am now aware of the first signs of the neck tension that causes my headaches and can do something about them immediately.  I went from thinking I might have headaches for the rest of my life to no longer having them and being able to recognize the signs and symptoms leading up to them and being proactive about them."

-Cynthia B.

"I had a very bad case of sciatica. Going to a regular MD would probably result in pain killers and muscle relaxers. A co-worker recommended Body In Balance. I am grateful to her. I have been in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) chiropractic care for 1 1/2 years. My favorite aspect of care is the relaxing, calming, and targeted process. It is not a snap or pop approach. The sciatica is gone and my posture and gait have improved. Over the "lockdown" period I began to feel pain return. Fortunately, Body In Balance reopened and I could resume the maintenance treatments. Being free of debilitating pain is about as good as it gets.

-Tim R. 

"I decided to look into BIB and NSA after strong encouragement from a friend. At the time, my body was feeling more and more “lopsided” – all of my issues of discomfort and pain were manifesting on my left side. I was fretting about being an early candidate for hip replacement because of increasing discomfort, and had elbow and wrist issues in my left arm. An initial appointment and ‘sample’ adjustment with Dr. Leah provided hope that I might actually reverse this decline by being proactive with my health and gaining a better understanding of how my body worked. This was nearly ten years ago. My decision to begin and continue with NSA care in the years since has reset my body and approach to wellness care. 

After so many years of adjustments, my body is much more attuned to what it needs when things get off-kilter. How fortunate I am to have such a resource so close to home, and to know the BIB team members dedicate their work to patient/client well-being and empowerment. Every year brings new challenges as my body continues to age, but I’ve established a priority of giving this body good support and odds of weathering future challenges, big or small, as they arise. My body has traveled far since those first days of waking up in the morning with a numb arm or contorting my gait in order to minimize hip pain. In my mid-60s now, I feel far more confident in my wellness approach now than ten years ago. Imagine what a healthy culture we would be if everyone began life with this kind of holistic approach to body/mind and integrated it into their lifestyle!"

-Deb A.

"I decided to begin chiropractic care at Body In Balance Wellness Center because I had sustained a concussion and whiplash from a car accident. I tried 18 sessions of traditional chiropractic and got limited improvement that didn't last. After 3 sessions here, I got total elimination of my headaches. My favorite aspect of chiropractic care is how quickly I get relief and how it's training my own body to maintain the recovery. I like the gentleness and painless adjustment process. I don't tense waiting for a pop or crunch. Before starting care, my headaches were 24/7 at 4-5 on the pain scale -- now they are infrequent and only a 2-3. Now that I am in Network Spinal Analysis care, I am more aware of how my body is moving in space and how I am holding it. I have 'made friends' with my body instead of being angry at how much it hurt."

-Karen P.

"I decided to begin chiropractic care at Body In Balance Wellness Center because I was extremely lethargic and exhausted all of the time. My daily MO seemed to consist of going until I dropped every day. I wanted to regain my energy and improve general mental, emotional, and physical wellness. I have been receiving chiropractic care for approximately 9 months. 

My favorite aspect of care is that my body and mind are learning how to be healthy again, how to reset, be adaptable and open to personal growth… physically, mentally, and emotionally. NSA is different because I feel that it becomes progressive health care rather than restorative.

The most significant change I have experienced has been my awareness of my body, mind, and emotions. This has helped me realize “my” role and “my” part in my wellbeing. I also just feel better and have more energy. I’m now very aware of when I’m not operating at an optimal health level. I’m learning what the causes are and what I can do to improve them. I feel great, have more energy, and am gaining a new outlook on life!"

-Luke P.

"I began chiropractic care at Body In Balance for my neck pain; it was getting so bad. I also had sciatica muscle pain in the back of both legs... found out later it could be gone, too! I have been in Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) care since about February or March 2019. My favorite aspects of care are the very nice people and the "adjustments" I get, they help a lot, without crunching the bones. I feel so much better after each treatment. I have no more sciatica pain in my back leg muscles. No more acid reflux since Jenn Evon helped me with the Detox Diet and Elimination Diet. My back feels so much better. A lot of my pain's gone and I know you're there if I need you!"

-Alice S.

"Body In Balance saved my career and many hobbies I love by healing my body. Their practice is gentle and truly life changing! Many of my friends have been healed by Dr. Leah and Dr. Scott as well!"

-Melissa K.

"I have literally been to over 30 chiropractors over the years due to back issues and the Doctors at Body in Balance & their NSA practice have helped me more than all of them combined! They continue to educate themselves and teach classes for their members on everything from nutrition to the best ways to support your immune system. The staff is incredibly professional and caring as well. I recommend BIB to everyone!"

-Collette W.

"I had been using traditional chiropractic since I was in high school - over 30 years. While adjustments made me feel better, I never felt like I was healing. Just maintaining a current state. I have been in Network Spinal Analysis chiropractic care for about a year. Adjustments are completely different. I can actually feel the impact on my muscles in addition to my spine. I can tell my body is becoming less dependent on adjustments and more able to stay in place on its own. I will continue adjustments because of the overall sense of wellness they bring. The difference is they are now a choice and not a necessity."

-Kris G.

I have had chronic pain for most of my life and have pursued help through traditional western medicine as well as most forms of alternative medicine. NSA has been the only treatment that has reduced my pain. Unlike other practitioners, they have encouraged me and supported me in making lifestyle changes that are the key to optimal health. I have known so many people whose lives have been changed by working with them. I would strongly encourage everyone to learn about the care that they offer and come in for a consultation."

-Carolee M.

I began coming to Body in Balance due to a significant increase in anxiety that became debilitating. I had been to my primary care physician, several psychologists, and a psychiatrist before coming to Body in Balance - because I thought, could a chiropractor really help that much with my anxiety? It has been five months since my first adjustment, and I can feel such a difference.  The weekly adjustments, as well as massages and nutrition consultations have improved my life tremendously. They also hold free seminars to educate you on how to live a healthier and happier life. My anxiety has decreased significantly, my brain is less foggy, and I feel more energetic and like myself. I believe that in time, thanks to Body in Balance, I will feel better than I've ever felt before. Not to mention, the doctors and staff are amazing. They truly care about you and check in with you consistently. They have been incredibly supportive throughout this journey. I recommend them to any/everyone! Thank you, Body in Balance!

-Christina B.

Network Spinal Analysis has a value that other traditional chiropractic adjustments do not seem to have. I have done over $100K in chiropractic care due to a neck injury and sports; everything always returns to its former painful spots. However, NSA is changing the patterns AND the pain. After 6 weeks I have noticed improvements in the spine and pain. Now, I notice so much more, such as allergy relief. I have not taken allergy medicine for several weeks now; that is a very nice change. I am grateful I found Body In Balance.

-Susan F.

I began my treatment at Body In Balance to relieve sciatica pain. That was over 3 years ago. Working 20 years at a primarily desk job had reeked havoc on my body. I held a large amount of my stress in my neck and shoulders. Through Dr. Leah and Scott's technique, that pain in my back and neck has subsided dramatically. I was able to take a break from their care until I was diagnosed with a disk/pinched nerve issue. Luckily the neurosurgeon recommended chiropractic treatments and I knew exactly where to go for the most effective care. It has been several moths of adjustments and physical therapy and I have noticed a 90% improvement. I no longer worry about possible surgery. I can enjoy daily activities without the pain.

-Pat L.

Dr. Leah adjusted me on a Monday. Whoa!... let me back up... I have not slept through the night since August. ONE adjustment... one gentle, NO FEAR adjustment and I slept. WOW! I slept. So... I'm a huge fan. I'm setting up my routine to get aligned and healthy and I am excited to have a team to help me get there. THANK YOU, Body In Balance!

-Peggy D.

I came to BIB to reduce stress in my body, align my spine to maximize nerve health, and gain new strategies for keeping my life balanced. I have experienced wonderful results: all pain from neck/headaches, back strain and PMS are greatly reduced. I breathe more easily and sleep better through the night. I continue to experience gradient results: overall healthier wellbeing, more energy and alertness, better balance, lower stress, more relaxed, happier.

-Mary W.

I came to Body In Balance to get pain relief for a lower back injury. Wow! So far, I'm amazed at the results I've felt. Not only is my back feeling better, my whole posture has shifted from hunched over to standing straight. My sleep patterns are more consistent, my immunity is stronger, and exercise and strength have improved too! I consistently feel change within my body and am seeing improvement all around. I enjoy a relaxing environment and pleasant atmosphere.

-Ryan K.

I had persistent headaches, neck, shoulder, and hip pain I now have no more hip pain!! I have way fewer headaches, less tightness throughout my back and shoulders -- and improved flexibility during yoga.

-Daisy M.

"I came to Body In Balance for massage and because of a hip injury, and did a 12 week program. I am new to NSA and didn't know what to expect, but finished the program a believer. Dr. Leah is patient, careful to explain, and whatever she did in those soft-touch sessions did just as she predicted. As I sit and write, I have no hip pain or any of the other symptoms that I'd been dealing with for 5+ years. The office is user-friendly and helpful. I live in two states and have to make alternative appointments. They were great helping me find a schedule that would fit me. Highly recommended for sufferers of chronic pain, athletes, or anyone wanting to explore proactive spinal health." 

-Janis O.

I came to Body In Balance because of migraines and a stiff/sore neck and shoulders. My migraines went away right away. I was taking Excedrin migraine or tension headache medication almost daily. In the eight weeks I have been being treated I have only taken pain meds maybe 6 times! I can actually turn my head and not be in pain and my shoulders are not as tight and tense. My whole outlook on life has changed. I am much more happy and positive. Even though I have experienced amazing results so far, I want the pain and stiffness to be gone forever. Dr. Leah is also helping me with my diet and new supplements that will complete the new me.

-Pam B.

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! After starting chiropractic care, I had no allergy symptoms this spring. My acid reflux is gone, I have increased energy, better posture, and am able to run longer and faster. I continue to receive care because I would like to keep my spine and body healthy.

-Jill H.

To read even more success stories, please visit our testimonial page.


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2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


8:30 am - 11:20 am


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2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


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2:30 pm - 5:20 pm


Admin Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
Admin Hours 9:00 am - 12:00 pm