Reorganizational Healing: Energy-Poor vs. Energy-Rich

It is so common in our American culture to believe that we could/should push through anything.  We believe that it is a sign of character or strength to “power through.”  Think of the number of times people you know (or you) have powered through a project by drinking extra caffeine or eating sugar to push through.  Think of the times you were recovering from illness but decided you needed to go into the office because you didn’t want to disappoint other people, even though you really needed the rest.  Think of doing a major yard project and instead of listening to when you needed to stretch or take a break, you again, “powered through,” creating a sore and injured spine for the next few weeks when the issue was completely preventable.  

This belief in the American way of pushing or powering through has resulted in the majority of the population being completely disconnected from their bodies, living in fight-or-flight physiology (tight muscles, shallow breathing, digestive issues, sleep issues, adrenal- health and hormonal imbalances, etc.), run-down, and disengaged from their lives.  Being in this state also interferes with the ability to connect to others—those we know and do not know.  People’s ability to connect to their intuition or listen to their own mental/emotional/physical/spiritual needs is lacking.

 In Network (NSA) care, we refer to this as being in an ENERGY-POOR state.  

Just like so many of us, I lived in an energy-poor state for years.  There are times of high stress in which I still experience an energy-poor state.  The best example I can give is sitting at my desk with a project deadline.  I may not have the energy, the capacity, or the ideas to implement, but due to my fear, my stress, or my lack of clear thinking, I try with all my might to get the project done!  It doesn’t end up being my best work, I am unhappy with the result, and I tax my mind/body in an unhealthy way to achieve this poor-quality work!  The result is further burn-out, low energy, and lack of fulfillment.  It doesn’t have to be this way (and due to NSA care, this is a rare occurrence for me now).  

NSA care can shift you from experiencing an ENERGY-POOR state to experiencing an ENERGY-RICH state!

One of the best action steps I can take when I am experiencing an energy-poor state is to receive an NSA adjustment.  NSA changes the frequency in which you resonate (a lower vibrational state to a higher vibrational state).  NSA lets you disarm fight-or-flight physiology, letting go of a stressed mind and body.  This higher level of function is mainly happening within the brain and spinal cord.  Within the brain (after an NSA adjustment), you are able to increase the activity of your frontal cortex where higher level thinking and decision making can happen with ease (for me, when I experience this, ideas and creativity FLOW).  The spinal cord has now been termed our “emotional brain,” and when we increase the flexibility and freedom within the spinal cord, we increase the amount of positive emotion we can feel (think joy, peace, happiness, gratefulness vs. anger, disappointment, frustration, fear).  We have access to resources for growth, healing, and change.  We are able to connect to our intuition so we can more easily honor our needs.  We are able to connect to others with compassion and empathy.  This is where I want you to be able to operate for the majority of your life and each NSA adjustment brings you more fully into these strategies!

Living out of an ENERGY-POOR state will no longer be acceptable for the future!

One of the newest areas of research that will continue to be expanded upon is increasing human adaptability and resiliency.  The demands we all experience are typically not decreasing, but are increasing exponentially!  In order to live in a state of thriving versus just surviving, we need to learn how to experience ENERGY-RICH states on a frequent basis.  This doesn’t mean we will always experience an ENERGY-RICH state (we are human), but NSA allows you to have an increased awareness of where you are at and what you need.  Again, if we want to increase our ability to grow, heal, connect with others, and listen to our intuition, NSA is a key strategy in achieving an ENERGY-RICH LIFE!  It is definitely time to let go of the old cultural paradigm and embrace the new.

Remember, Create Health by Choice, Not by Chance.    


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Admin Hours

9:00 am - 12:00 pm





8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
Admin Hours 9:00 am - 12:00 pm