Hip Pain

Suffering From Hip Pain and Searching For Natural Solutions In Lubbock

Few discomforts have greater disabling power than hip pain. Whether it's being caused by referred nerve pain from a sciatic or lumbar impingement, an acute joint injury or chronic myofascial scarring and stiffness, you want safe, effective relief --ideally without turning to painkillers or hip replacement surgery. Fortunately, you can get the conservative care you need from our chiropractor here at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, Dr. Korey Kothmann.person getting adjustment for hip pain

The hip is a marvelously flexible joint, to permit a wide range of femoral motion while also supporting your body weight and withstanding considerable pressures while in motion, the hip relies on several sets of opposing muscles and connective tissues. A cushioning layer of cartilage allows the bones of the joint to move smoothly and comfortably.

But even this robust structure can suffer damage. An acute sports or personal injury, for instance, can strain the muscles and connective tissues in the joint, causing severe pain and stiffness. You can also suffer hip damage slowly and progressively through the development of micro-traumas. These micro-traumas are tiny, cumulative tears in the tissues that occur over a long period of repetitive strain, repeated injuries or even prolonged sitting. Additionally, a spinal misalignment or long-term postural problem can put unequal strain on the muscles, accelerating tissue damage and contributing to the cartilage deterioration that produces osteoarthritis.

Not all pain in the hip originates in the hip. A lower lumbar misalignment or herniated disc can pinch the sciatic nerve roots. This can cause sharp pains that radiate from the lower back into the hip area.

Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine Can Relieve Your Hip Pain

Our Lubbock chiropractor can get to the heart of your hip pain and administer conservative treatments to relieve that underlying cause. If the hip appears uninjured but a spinal screening reveals a misalignment or sciatic nerve impingement, chiropractic adjustment may be in order to remove the abnormal stress on muscle and nerve tissue. (A straighter posture can also reduce osteoarthritis progression and pain.) A herniated lumbar disc can be treated through spinal decompression therapy, which draws the protruding part of the disc back into the spinal canal and helps the disc heal.

Damage to the hip joint's soft tissues also responds to our natural therapeutic techniques. Myofascial release is a great example. This hands-on technique can loosen tight or stiff fascia (a type of connective tissue that covers muscles) to undo mobility restrictions and restore pain-free range of motion. Corrective exercises can equalize muscle strength and flexibility in the hip while helping you maintain a more hip-healthy posture.

Contact Our Lubbock Chiropractor

Now that you're "hip" to our natural treatment methods for relieving your hip pain without drugs or surgical intervention, call Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine at (806) 791-3399 to schedule a consultation with our chiropractor. We want to help you get moving again!


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