Shoulder Pain

At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, one of our primary goals is to keep you free from injury and pain. However, injuries do happen, but pain management can help you live day to day without the inconvenience and hopelessness of constant pain. Shoulder injuries, in particular, can incur long rehabilitation periods that interfere with your regularly scheduled life. This is why we have a variety of methods to assist your pain management and to help you get back on your feet faster.

Shoulder Pain Causes

man_holding_shoulder_in_painThe shoulder is such a complex joint so there are many opportunities for complications. Misalignments that compress nerves between vertebrae (called "subluxations") are frequently associated with poor posture. This pain can radiate into the shoulder when nerves that involve your upper back are affected by such compression.

Within your body, there are delicate tissues that connect muscle and bone called tendons. Tendonitis, the swelling and inflammation of a tendon due to overuse or injury, can cause severe pain as well. A similar cause of pain is bursitis, the inflammation of fluid-filled joint-cushioning sacs that assist in fluid mobility.

Your rotator cuff is a conglomeration of four muscle groups in the shoulder joint built for stabilization. Because of the frequency of large shoulder movements in sports and physical activity, rotator cuff injuries are frequent sources of pain for athletes. Poor posture can also lead to pain in the rotator cuff region, which can cause a major problem for day-to-day operations.

Osteoarthritis, generally caused by mechanical misalignment and wear and tear on the cartilage in the joint, can also be a source of shoulder pain.

Lastly, shoulder pain can stem from a condition called "frozen shoulder" (adhesive capsulitis). This occurs when the shoulder is extremely stiff, difficult to move and very painful. It is a condition is often associated with other underlying causes and requires careful diagnosis to treat.

Shoulder Pain Care

Shoulder injuries can require unconventional thinking to diagnose and heal; luckily, we are experienced with this process. At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we strive for a holistic approach to pain management and injury rehabilitation. Dr. Korey Kothmann oversees the stages of diagnosis and treatment. Due to our wide range of treatment options, Dr. Kothmann can tailor individual plans for individual bodies and injuries. The following are just a few of the therapies our office utilizes.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of pain and injury management. Myofascial release is a hands-on technique in which the therapist applies gentle sustained pressure into the connective tissue, allowing the patient to experience pain relief and restoration of motion. Neck traction is the gentle stretching apart of the vertebrae in the neck. This can help relieve compression and pain caused by worn disks or pinched nerves. Decompression therapy is similar in that it involves stretching the spine to similarly increase blood flow and space between disks. Finally, trigger point injections involve a small needle being placed in a myofascial trigger point in order to inject anesthetic and relieve spasm.

Combined together, these therapies create an individualized program for the maximum relief of patient shoulder pain.


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