What is the function of the Pineal Gland?

0230962001558624733.jpgThe Pineal Gland:

Pineal Gland produces melatonin which helps with sleep, muscles cramps, puberty, fertility and decreases free radicals from attacking your cells. 

It helps regulate your hormones and effects your nervous system. This gland has not changed for hundred of years and is only responsible for regulating melatonin levels.

What happens if Pineal Gland is damaged or calcified?

Did you know that Flouride causes skeletal issues in large doses and is seen as a neurotoxin in many countries? According to some studies, Flouride may actually be calcifying this vital gland. Research was published in 2001 which showed can deposit in the pineal gland and eventually calcify. This was determined after 11 aged cadavars were analyzed and the pineal glands were dissected.

This is the not the first time research has shown that fluoride is directly involved with calcification of soft tissue. There was a previous study where fluoride was shown to calcify the arteries.

0707456001558624745.jpgWhat Is The Pineal Gland and what does it do?

This small endocrine gland is a pea like structure in the middle of the skull and is sometimes referred to as the “third eye”. It releases melatonin when it becomes dark and is highly effected by the optic nerve and the signals sent from the retina and is highly directed by your circadian rhythm. 

Stress highly effects this gland and levels of melatonin can drop depending on the levels stress you are experiencing. So, the pineal gland is involved with the body releasing cortisol as well.

One article describes the role of the pineal gland in more technical terms here:

“The role of the non-visual photoreception is to synchronize periodic functions of living organisms to the environmental light periods in order to help survival of various species in different biotopes.” [Source]

This tiny pea-sized pine cone is made of neural tissue and is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres. It is not protected by the blood-brain-barrier which may be the reason why fluoride can effect this gland.


(Descartes mind and body diagram) Even in ancient times the pineal gland has been evaluated. Galen and philosopher René Descartes described this gland as the “seat of the soul”. This was as early as the third century. 

They explained it as: “this gland is the principal seat of the soul, and the place in which all our thoughts are formed. The reason I believe this is that I cannot find any part of the brain, except this, which is not double. Since we see only one thing with two eyes, and hear only one voice with two ears, and in short have never more than one thought at a time, it must necessarily be the case that the impressions which enter by the two eyes or by the two ears, and so on, unite with each other in some part of the body before being considered by the soul. 

Now it is impossible to find any such place in the whole head except this gland; moreover it is situated in the most suitable possible place for this purpose, in the middle of all the concavities; and it is supported and surrounded by the little branches of the carotid arteries which bring the spirits into the brain.”

Descartes pointed out the location of the pineal gland’s location and what vessels surrounded the structure.

When the gland is damaged or calcified, it can cause various problems:

  1. Alzheimer Disease

  2. Bipolar Disease

  3. Problems with Circadian rhythm

  4. Imbalance of Melatonin and other hormones

  5. Loss of sleep (Insomnia)

  6. Pain in the lower back

  7. Parkinson’s Disease

  8. Schizophrenia

  9. Stroke

So how can we protect the pineal gland from becoming damaged or calcified?

  1. Stay away from any fluoride

  2. Avoiding Teflon (has fluoride) 

  3. Stay away from foods and beverages from tap water

  4. Infant formula

  5. Toothpaste with fluoride

  6. Prozac which contains fluoride

There are many alternatives that you can find for toothpaste, cookware and alternatives to Prozac. Sleep is essential for healing and regeneration and is crucial for health and well being. C-Pap machines and Ambien are now becoming the norm for sleep disorders but understanding how melatonin and the pineal gland works is key for your sleeping patterns.

0506363001558624804.jpgHow can Chiropractic help your Pineal Gland?

Chiropractors alleviate stress in the body and relax your nervous system.  This allows your body to go into parasympathetic mode. This system is responsible for resting and digesting.

When adjustments are performed it helps regulate your Autonomic Nervous System which balances your Sympathetic (fight/flight/freeze) and your Parasympathetic (rest and digest).

When your systems are working properly and you go into parasympathetic.  It helps you relax, sleep and heal. 

Dr. Gregory uses Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF) medical devices that have discs that can regulate and normalize your systems and pineal gland holistically.  

0694745001558624894.jpgStaying away from toxins and keeping your systems and body working properly and efficiently leads to better health.  

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP a Holistic Practitioner and Chiropractor in San Francisco mission district. She helps patients by understanding the full body and how each part affects the other.  Our body is a unit and full body  care leads to full body wellness!

If you would like more information about Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy (ANF), please check out my services page: https://www.precisemoves.com/amino-neuro-frequency-therapy

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP Chiropractic Holistic Practioner 

Reference article By Sayer Ji, founder of Greenmedinfo.com


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