iPhone, Android, iPod, gaming. How good posture is becoming obsolete and how a chiropractor can help

Most everyone these days has an iPhone, Ipod, android, smart phone.

How are using our devices are causing posture issues?

Using these devices to Tiktok, Facetime, Instagram and tweet puts a lot of strain on the body and spine.  This is leading to bad posture and text neck.

Texting, internet searching and long periods of time are spent on these gadgets are hard to find positions in which your body is comfortable.  Especially for long periods of time.  Technology is great, but problems with fingers, wrists, forearms, neck and back are becoming common place because of bad ergonomics and long hours using these devices.  

Go to any cafe or restaurant at lunchtime and you will see people on their cell phones reading,  looking down for long periods of time and texting without taking a break. This can lead to neck, shoulder, arm and wrist pain not to mention a whole bunch of other ailments caused by putting stress on the spinal cord and nerves leading to organs, glands and systems. It is not uncommon for people to have problems sleeping, headaches and high levels of stress because of these programs and stress on the body.  

What can we do to prevent health problems when texting and using social media?

Place your phone or device at a level where your eyes are even with the screen and you are not looking down. When tweeting, SMSing or emailing, take a break once in a while and stretch your forearms, fingers and neck.  Every 20 minutes is recommended if this is too frequent for you, try once per hour.  This is going to help you prevent long term stress leading to problems later on.  While taking this break practice looking far and near to exercise your eyes and keep your lenses in shape. 

At Precise Moves Chiropractic, in San Carlos, CA and San Francisco, CA, we can help you with any problems you may have with your neck, back, hands, forearms and any joint in your body that comes up with the long work hours and stressful lives we lead.  We will provide proper exercises and ergonomic advice to keep your body healthy and functioning properly. 

Contact us today and make an appointment. We can help you with lifestyle tips, ergonomics, exercises and of course keeping your body moving properly to avoid pain and health problems in the future.  


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Hours in the mission district, San Francisco

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm