Leg Cramps what to do and how chiropractic can decrease your risk

Leg cramps happen to all of us at some point in our lives.  

Whether they are when you are awake or sleeping they can be pretty debilitating.  

Getting leg cramps at night when you are not doing any exercise are called Nocturnal leg cramps. They are contractions of the calf muscles and/or cramping of the soles of the feet that occur while you are sleeping or at rest. 

Who is at risk of Nocturnal Leg Cramping?

Middle-aged and older people most commonly get them, but it can happen at any age. There has not been any clear research results that have shown the cause of what causes nocturnal leg cramps. We do know that cramps are contractions of nerves that control your muscles. 

It is common to have leg cramps during dream sleep.  This is why some researchers think these cramps are because of a malfunction in the nervous system.  The nervous system consists of your brain and spinal cord.  When your brain is not sending proper messages to your muscles when you are sleeping, cramping happens. 

Causes of night leg cramps:

  • Overexertion of muscles
  • Flat feet, standing on hard surfaces
  • Long periods of sitting
  • Improper leg positions while sitting
  • Dehydration

    Muscular or bulky body types get leg cramps much more often than lean, slim body types.  This can be because tight muscles do not get the proper blood supply and tighten the nerves, which then irritate them.

    What do you do if you get leg cramps?

    1. Keeping your calves loose can often prevent night cramps
    2. Applying heat to your calves may help because this will increase the blood flow
    3. Low levels electrolytes (magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium) can contribute to cramps
    Vegetables and fruits contain electrolytes and there are many lists online to follow.  Please look them up and add some to your diet.  

    List of foods to help prevent cramps:

  • Potassium  
  • Beef
  • Liver
  • Fish
  • Fruit (esp. bananas)
  • Apricots
  • Cantaloupe
  • Grapefruit
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Potatoes

    The daily recommended amount (DRA):
    DRA 3500mg: Magnesium: Beef, poultry, fish, nuts, grains, legumes, and green vegetables.
    DRA is 400mg: Calcium: Milk products, leafy, green vegetables, soybeans, broccoli, and tofu.
    DRA is 1000mg: Sodium: Table salt
    DRA is 2400mg When cramping happens, walking on the affected leg or elevating it may help.   Take a hot shower or warm bath; this may help relax your muscles. Drink a lot of water, eating foods with electrolytes in them.  Yellow mustard may also help to stop cramping.  

    If there is not enough acetic acid in your body you may get leg cramps.  Acetic acid helps the body produce acetylcholine which helps the nerves synapse and send messages to muscles.  Mustard contains acetic acid and can help the nerves function properly.  

    Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is a chiropractor in San Francisco, CA and San Carlos, CA.  She has been helping patients get out of pain and remain healthy for over a decade.  Contact our San Carlos, CA or San Francisco office today.  You will be surprised with the results


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