Noise At Work Can Decrease Productivity: How stress affects the body and mind

As we get older loud noise really becomes harder to bare.  

According to an article written by the Journal of Applied Psychology in October of 2000, Environmental psychologists at Cornell University discovered that low-level noise experienced while at work results in higher levels of stress and lowers productivity. 

"Forty experienced female clerical workers (average age 37) were assigned for three hours to either a quiet office or one with low-intensity office noise (including speech). The workers in the noisy office experienced significantly higher levels of stress (as measured by urinary epinephrine, a stress hormone), made 40% fewer attempts to solve an unsolvable puzzle, and made only half as many ergonomic adjustments to their workstations, compared to their colleagues in quiet offices". 

What is interesting is that workers that had the loud noise did not report feeling higher levels of stress.  People may be becoming used to feeling stress in their lives and not feeling the effects until high levels accumulate in the body causing physical or emotional symptoms. 

One psychologist reported that "even low levels of noise can have a potentially stressful effect". It is very important to relieve stress in your life.  

The 3 stresses in our lives are chemical, emotional and physical.  If not alleviated from your system, it will start to accumulate and show ill effects on the body.  Here is what I mean:

  • Physical Stress: We all know that bad posture, athletic injuries, car accidents, falls all can lead to pain and symptoms.  

  • Chemical Stress: Mold, pollution, toxins in food, junk food, topical perfumes, makeup etc. 
    Chemical stress leads to physical stress.  If you are breathing in mold, your lungs are going to function less efficiently.

  • Emotional Stress: loud noises, traffic, family or work issues, death, life changes (even if positive can sometimes be a stress). All lead to physical symptoms if not relieved.  Some examples:
    Posture issues, headaches, pain, numbness, sleep disturbances, irritability.  

    Chiropractic helps get stress out of the body.  When you get treatment, any stress that has been lingering in your body is released and your body is better equipped to adapt and regulate properly.  That is why when people come in for care they not only have pain relief but think more clearly, sleep better and have many other positive changes in their body.  Contact our San Francisco, CA or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office today.  We can help you maintain where you are or improve your health to be who you want to be!


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