Are Corporate Wellness Programs Important? Why companies have used in house chiropractic

Corporate wellness programs are designed to increase employee moral and prevent  health issues.   Chronic stress, high blood pressure, heart conditions and illness is more common when we are stressed and have no relief. 

Many of the diseases that lead to employee disabilities, workers compensation, absenteeism and inability to perform at optimum levels are related to lifestyle choices. Lifestyle decisions, posture and stress management are learned behaviors. These can be altered and reconditioned.  

You may be thinking it is the employee, not the employer, who should take ownership of their health and that may be true, but sedentary lifestyles because of working at a desk for 8 or more hours a day without implementing any type of stress relief will only lead to illness and this will effect the company. More sick days, less ability to concentrate, increased workers compensation claims.  

So, what are the effects of Corporate Wellness Programs?

  • Decreased use of health care benefits
  • Decreased rates of absenteeism
  • Decreased numbers of accidents and injuries
  • Reduction of  employee turnover
  • Increased enthusiasm and passion for work
  • Increased energy and productivity

The Studies that show the effects of having wellness programs:

The National Safety Council in 1999 estimated the cost of workplace injuries in the United States to be $125 billion.A 4-year study of Xerox Corporation according to the Chicago Tribune:

Employers may have another reason to encourage employees to stay fit, trim and healthy: reducing the $128 billion lost each year to workplace injuries. For years, advocates of workplace wellness programs have promoted them as a way to reduce the cost of health care and employer-financed health insurance. Now, a four-year study of Xerox Corp. workers has found significant reduction in the frequency and seriousness of workplace injuries among those who participate in a wellness program. 

The study examined on-the-job injuries among 3,338 workers at a Xerox's Rochester, N.Y., manufacturing complex in 1996-99. The results were published in the July issue of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Among those who participated in the health risk appraisal, 5.6 percent made workers compensation claims, compared with 8.9 percent of non-participants. And when they did get hurt on the job, the health appraisal participants had an average cost per injury of $6,506, compared with $9,482 for non-participants, the study found. So, it can be costly for companies if they do not start helping their employees stay healthy.  

On-site chiropractic can help keep disability and workers compensation costs down and keep employees productive and happy.  In 2020 Covid has changed the way we work.  Less days at the office and more days at home.  Now it is easier to see a chiropractor in their office instead of at work.  When corporate wellness programs start again, we will be happy to serve our community by going on site.  For now, we are available at two locations to be able to help people stay healthy while working at home.  

Home offices are normally not ergonomic and more hours are spent in front of a computer.  Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is a San Francisco, CA and San Carlos, CA chiropractor that understands full body health.  She can help with posture, flexibility and total health.  She works with athletes, expectant moms, office workers and everyone else in between.  Contact our San Francisco, CA chiropractic office or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office today!


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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