The Old Data is Wrong... Fat is Actually Good For You!

Most Americans worry about their fat intake.  When they see their MD and get blood tests they are given scores for their saturated fats and when high, they are afraid of having a heart attack.  When you look up articles online, their are constantly conflicting information and even deceptive information out there by corporations that have a vested interest in you purchasing pharmaceuticals. So, lets talk about a lot of misconceptions about fat levels. What are "smart" or good fats? According to Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS who is best known for his book "The Nutrition Myth Buster," over the years there have been changes in the mindset of how we think about fat in our diet.  It has now been shown that fat can be your best friend, not only when it comes to losing weight but also when it comes to brain health and heart health."  We just have to eat the RIGHT fats. In an article published in Psychology Today, A diet high in monounsaturated fats also lead to an increase in the production and release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.  Monounsaturated fats come from sources of red meat, nuts, olives, avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia nuts, grape seed oil, popcorn, whole grain, oatmeal, safflower oil, almonds to name just a few foods.  The release of Acetylcholine with nerve function is critical for learning and memory.  Decreased levels lead to memory problems and can also lead to Alzheimer's disease. Jonny goes on to emphasize a crucial point: "we need fat in our diet and we need more fat in our diet than we thought we did and our old division of good and bad fat are obsolete!" This goes against all of the older information out there.  In the past, people were told and taught that all fats would raise cholesterol and increase our risk of a heart attack. Now it has been shown in all medical fields that there are MANY different types of "good" (HDL) cholesterol and the same can be said about fat. In other words, the notion that "all fats are bad" is outdated and misleading.  Fats are needed for the body, just not in the large amounts that people take in each day with fast food and the high amount of sugar digested by kids and adults.  Think of it this way, why would a anyone administering high cholesterol and heart medications want to find data to support the non-use of their product. References: 1. 2.


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