What is "text neck"and what does prolonged bad posture effect?

What is text neck?

Text Neck is a repetitive stress injury.  It happens when the neck is pushed forward or we look down for long periods of time.  

The invention of computers, smartphones, ipads, ipods, video games and high tech gadgets have made us more connected to information but people are now pretty dependent on the internet and all its benefits. This has become an "addiction".  Social Media has been very good at getting people's attention and holding it with bells, whistles and pop ups that send dopamine signals in our body leading to social media dependence.  

Can text neck be corrected?

Yes, it is not a "quick fix" but in time with changes of posture, structural work, exercises for your muscles.  Text neck happens when we have bad habits such as slouching, looking down and pushing out neck forward.  This has trained our joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles to stay in this position.  They need to be retrained so they remain in balance.  This takes time just like working out.  

People have been developing habits that in time become health issues. Slouching, looking down, sitting for long periods of time all take a toll on your body even if you are active in your off hours. Most US workers are at work at least 8 hours a day, often without long enough breaks to eat properly and get their sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system to be able to fluctuate. Not only does working put stress on your anatomy but your whole system. Here is a great video (about 4 minutes) that will demonstrate the effects of bad posture and what is referred to as "text neck".

Can Text neck be serious?

It can be.  Your head weighs around 10 pounds. Your neck muscles help keep your head balance and adjust to gravity.  When you look down or push your neck forward it adds a lot of stress on your muscles that extend and flex your neck.  It also puts a lot of stress on spinal cord as well with can lead to headaches, fatigue, neurological issues as well as system issues.  

Common consequences from text neck:

  • Headaches
  • Eye pain or eye sight issues
  • neck pain
  • shoulder pain
  • Pain, tingling or numbness in upper limbs (shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers)

Precise Moves Chiropractic is dedicated to educating all of our patients. Helping and assisting each person learn lifestyle habits will not only make them healthier, but happier! If you are not in the physical wellness state that you would like to be in, contact us at our San Carlos, CA, we can help with our spinal corrections, muscle work and full body treatments.


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