Chiropractic Care can help with headaches and general pain

Chiropractic has shown significant improvement in headache symptoms.

Perceived pain is called "Nociception". Nociceptors are nerves that recognize injured parts of the body and transmit pain for protection. Pain will occur when stimuli is sent to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and it begins a cascade of events.  

How does pain happen?

1. Contact with a stimuli like pressure, cut, puncture, heat, cold.

2. Reception: The nerve now senses the stimuli 

3. Transmission: The nerve sends a signal to the brain by communicating with other nerves in the body.

4. Pain Reception: Brain receives the information and determines its action to the stimuli

What can chiropractors do to help with a headache?

We align the spine and restore movement:  

Adjustments to the neck relieve pressure on the nerves that cause a headache.  Nerves branch out from the neck and go up the head and down the body.  If these are irritated, the brain will send pain signals that can be quite debilitating. from looking down, getting into a car accident or even having emotional or chemical stress.  

How does stress cause headaches?

Emotional stress causes us to tighten up, decrease blood flow to muscles and strain.   This can cause a headache. 

Here are the two most common stress headaches:

1. Migraine: Severe pain often on one side of the head. You can also be nauseated, vomit and have light and sound sensitivity.  You may also experience throbbing or pulsations, tingling in face, arm, leg.  Seeing spots or flashing lights or blurry vision may also occur.  

2. Tension: This feels like a band around your head. You may also feel pressure behind your eyes, scalp tenderness, neck tightness or pain.  

Chemical induced headaches: 

Chemical stress such as pesticides in food, fabric softners, paint, varnish, insect spray, cleansers and eating junk can lead to headaches.  According to John Hopkins Medicine, chemical stressors triggers narrowing of blood vessels. Seratonin and Estrogen levels are changed leading to headaches. Chemical toxins are neurotoxins that have an effect on the nerves.  Nerves are responsible for all communication in the body.   

Headaches are a sign that the nerves branching from the spine up to the head are not functioning properly.  I most cases it is the Occipital Nerves but it can be other nerves as well.  It can be very painful and prevent you from working, playing and living your life the way you would like. Chiropractic can help with headaches and many other biological issues associated with the spinal nerves which branch to all areas of the body.  

Once pressure and stress is released from your spinal segments, you body will decrease its inflammatory response and pain will start to diminish.

If you would like to be a healthier you contact our San Francisco or Redwood City Chiropractic office today!  If you would like to book an appointment with us, you may do so online at



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Hours in the mission district, San Francisco

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm