Anti Blood Clotting tips for people who have gotten Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

How do you prevent a blood clot from Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

In most cases lifestyle changes can prevent blood clots. If you develop a blood clot, the medical community will prescribe blood thinners. In an emergency, this may be necessary but there are also natural ways of preventing additional clots and keep your blood flow working properly.

What is a blood clot?

A blood clot prevents excessive bleeding when a blood vessel has been injured. This is to insure you don’t bleed to death. It is protection. After an injury blood vessels narrow in order to make sure the injured area does not bleed too much.

After the vessels narrow, platelets of you blood and proteins in your plasma attach to the damaged area of the blood vessel. They clump together to reduce the bleeding. This is how coagulation begins.

Most of the time, your body naturally dissolves the blood clot when the injury has healed. If not, blood flows slower and starts to bulk up. Large numbers of platelets may group together, stick to each other and form a blood clot. This may need medical attention and can be fatal in some cases.

Blood clots are not always bad. They can too much blood loss after an injury, keep germs from entering your blood stream and helping a wound to heal. Howbeit, sometimes blood clots occur when there hasn’t been an injury.

Clotting can lead to dangerous complications like pulmonary embolism (lungs),coronary heart disease or cause a stroke.

Blood clots occur when blood, platelets, proteins and cells stick together. Since blood flows everywhere in the body, you can get a clot anywhere.

What are symptoms if I have a blood clot?

Well, that depends on where the clot is.

Here is a list of complications that can happen with a blood clot:


Heaviness or pain in the chest, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, lightheadedness, and discomfort in other areas of the upper body.


Weakness of the face, arms or legs, vision problems, difficulty speaking, sudden and severe headache and dizziness.


Sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart, fever, sweating and coughing up blood

Arm or Leg:

Sudden or gradual pain, swelling, tenderness and warmth. You may see one extremity having a different skin tone or one is redder than the other.


Intense abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea

What are the different types of blood clots?

Blood clots can occur in veins or arteries. They do different things in order to pass blood throughout your body.
-Veins carry blood that is not oxygenated away from the body’s organs and back to the heart. So if there is a blood clot in the vein, it can stop blood flow to the heart.

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): 
    This is a clot in the deep vein of the body. These normally show up in the lower leg or thigh. But, they can also occur in other parts of the body, like the arms or pelvis.

    If this clot breaks off and travels in the bloodstream, the loose clot is called an embolus. An embolus can travel through the heart then into an artery in the lungs where it becomes wedged and blocks blood flow.

    This is a pulmonary embolism as is dangerous. If this occurs there are signs with breathing difficulties, cough or cough with blood and even chest pain.

According to the CDCD, among people who have had a DVT, 50% will have long-term complications such as swelling, pain, discoloration and scaling in the affected limb.

Are Clots in the arteries and veins the same? 

No, clotting in arteries and veins differ. 

What are Arteries? 

Muscular vessels that carry oxygenated nutrient blood from the heart to other parts of the body with their valves.

If these are clotted, your tissues and organs no longer get blood or enough blood. If a clot is developed in the coronary arteries or inside the heart, it can cause a heart attack or stroke. Basically if any area of your body is not getting oxygenated blood. It will malfunction and it can be fatal.

Risk factors for Arterial blood clots:

1. Obesity

2. Lack of exercise

3. High blood pressure

4. Diabetes

5. Smoking

According to research published in Blood Transfusion, people with metabolic syndrome (also called insulin resistance syndrome) all had at least 3 of the following symptoms: Abdominal obesity (visceral fat), elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol opposed to LDL, high blood pressure and elevated fasting glucose.

There has been evidence that the metabolic syndrome and these symptoms all contribute to arterial blood clots. It has also been shown that decreasing blood pressure, cholesterol and cessation in smoking all reduce you risk of arterial disease or clotting.

Blood Clotting of Veins: 

Venous blood clots are more likely to develop when damaged such as after surgery or a trauma. Some other factors that increase your risk of developing venous blood clots include Age (over 60 years old), obesity, pregnancy, smoking and oral contraceptives, certain medication, coagulation disorders or cancer.

Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs if blood flow is restricted. This may happen when you are immobile for long periods, such as after surgery, during a long trip in an airplane or car, or if you must stay in bed for an extended time.

Studies have shown that venous blood clots are the major cause of maternal death worldwide. There is a 5 to 10 fold increased risk in pregnant women compared to that in non-pregnant women of comparable age.

Estrogen and progesterone oral contraception has been shown to increase rates of venous blood issues which can lead to strokes or other vein associated problems. 

Conventional treatments for blood clots vary depending on the location of the clot and your health. 

Medical treatments for blood clots include:

  • Anticoagulants or “blood thinners.” 

    These thin the blood and make it more difficult for clotting. They may cause side effects like dizziness, bruising, headaches and stomach pain. 
  • Thrombolytics: 

    These dissolve blood clots and limit the damage caused by the blockage of a blood vessel. These are sometimes given in combination with anticoagulants. One side effect is hemorrhagic which is rare but worth mentioning.
  • Catheter-directed thrombolysis:  

    Using a catheter, this thin plastic tube delivers clot-dissolving medications, called thrombolytics, directly to the clot. Complications include bruising, bleeding, or swelling where the tube entered the body. In rare cases, bleeding occurs elsewhere, such as in your intestines or brain.
  • Surgical Thrombectomy: 

    This is a surgery which removes a blood clot from inside an artery or vein. The risks of this type of surgery include excess bleeding, damage to the blood vessel and pulmonary embolism.
  • Compression socks: 

    These reduce swelling
  • Stents: 

    This will open the blood vessel
  • Vena Cave Filters:

    If patient is unable to take blood thinners, this is installed in the Inferior Vena Cava which is the body's largest vein to catch clots before they can travel to the lungs.  

How can I prevent a blood clot naturally?

1. Change Your Diet

Be sure to focus on eating healing foods, which include dark leafy greens, colorful vegetables (like yellow squash, red bell peppers and purple eggplant), fruits, legumes, and omega 3 foods like wild salmon, walnuts, flaxseed and grass-fed beef. These foods will help to keep your vascular system active, improve your heart health, and help you to lose weight.

You also need to avoid the foods that are harming your body. These foods include artificial sweeteners, sodas including diet sodas, trans fats (like baked goods/muffins), refined carbohydrates and sugar. You should also limit your alcohol consumption.

2. Stay Active

In order to avoid blood clots from forming, it’s important that you stay active. The more you move around the more your blood moves

3. Consider Switching Medications

Some medications can increase your risk for blood clots. These medications include hormone replacement drugs (usually used by menopausal or postmenopausal women), birth control pills, medications to control blood pressure and cancer treatment drugs. Be sure to check with your doctor.

4. Quit Smoking

Studies show that smoking cigarettes or using electronic cigarettes and other tobacco products increases your risk of developing blood clots. The risk increases even more when combined with other risk factors like being overweight.

5. Turmeric

This spice reduces inflammation and acts as a natural anticoagulant and anti-platelet treatment. A 2012 study proved that curcumin, the polyphenol found in turmeric, inhibited the development of blood clots due to its anticoagulant activities. Unlike most drugs, turmeric has relatively no known side effects, unless taken in extremely large amounts.

6. Garlic

Helps to reverse plaque buildup and prevents the accumulation of new plaque in the arteries.

7. Vitamin E

Is an anticoagulant that is helpful against ischemic heart disease and stroke. It is used to treat and prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as chest pain, high blood pressure and blocked or hardened arteries. Almonds, hazelnuts, avocado, butternut squash, mango, sunflower seeds, broccoli, spinach, kiwi and tomato all have vitamin E.

8. Helichrysum Oil

Applying helichrysum topically may break up coagulated blood beneath the skin’s surface. Helichrysum decreases pain and inflammation, increases smooth muscle function, improves circulation and lowers high blood pressure.

9. Travel Smart:

If traveling more than 4 hours by bus, plane, car or train, there is a higher risk of having a blood clot.  Take breaks, massage or stretch your calves and ankles. If possible, pull your knees to your chest.

10. Keep feet raised when sleeping. 

 Raising your legs increases circulation.  

Important: Seek emergency care if you experience difficult or painful breathing, chest pain or tightness, pain extending to your shoulder, arm, back or jaw, sudden changes in your vision, numbness of the face, arm or leg, or difficulty speaking.



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