Why everyone should you see a San Francisco Chiropractor

Chiropractors are great for wellness and preventative care

Most people understand that chiropractors help neck and back pain.  When DD Palmer invented this whole new way of healing, it was not for musculoskeletal issues.  It was for overall health.  He did studies in which he traced ailments to the spinal nerves that move around the whole body.  Over the years, people understand that pain can be decreased with chiropractic so it has become popular for pain relief but it is so much more than that.  

Chiropractic focuses on keeping the nervous system healthy.  The nervous system sends signals through the brain to the rest of the body.  This means your organs, glands, immune system.  Yes, chiropractic can help with a sports injury, car accident recovery and a plethora of other areas of the body with pain.  But, chiropractors understand that having all the spinal joints working correctly helps heal the whole body because the nervous system is running fast and efficiently.  

That means it can help with sciatica, boosting immune, ear infections, anxiety, headaches, allergies, mood, sleep and a better quality of life.  Pain comes along when function is so bad the brain either shuts off the area or transmits pain. it is basically your brain's emergency signal.  When body function is at its best, you are at your best!

What leads to joints not moving correctly leading to health issues?

The simple answer is stress.  It is not only physical stress, it can be emotional or chemical too.  When you are stressed your brain automatically makes all the large muscles in your body tight and the smaller muscles weaken.  It is a primitive fight or flight response that we have had for thousands of years.  It was necessary for running away from a predator.  This reaction has not changed.  Stress registers as danger to the brain.  The brain then does what is has done from the beginning of our existence.  

Here are the steps of stress effects on the brain and body:

  1. Stress leads to brain protecting us from harm
  2. Tightness of large muscles and small muscles shut off
  3. Tightness and inflammation occur
  4. Lack of movement
  5. Brain either shuts down area stressed or sends pain signals for protection
  6. Nerves connected to stressed areas do not communicate properly with other body areas

It is a bit more complicated than that, but that is the cliff notes version.  

This is why it is so important to see a chiropractor even if you are not in pain.  We keep your body moving properly and remove stress which tells the brain everything is working the way it should.  It leads to better health and quicker recovery from injuries.

What is that cracking sound that happens with chiropractic treatment?

I often hear people at the gym, church and even new patients say they want to get "cracked".  Though "cracking" is what you hear sometimes when we are performing treatments, it doesn't mean that what we do is only musculoskeletal.  

The reason why we adjust or you may hear a "crack" is because we need the spinal and limb joints to move properly and when there is gas trapped in an area, it is released with an adjustment.  

Dr. Amie Gregory has been helping patients in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 14 years!  Contact our office today to get on the road to total health!

References: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/neuro/conditioninfo/parts#:~:text=The%20nervous%20system%20transmits%20signals,see%2C%20think%2C%20and%20more.&text=The%20basic%20unit%20of%20the,a%20nerve%20cell%2C%20or%20neuron.


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