How does a San Francisco Chiropractor help with stress?

Stress is hard to avoid these days. Physical, emotional and chemical stress is around us more now than ever.

There may be different causes of stress but our brain and body only knows that it is “dangerous” and begins their primitive protective strategies.

Our primitive brain is called the limbic system. This is the area of our brain that changes our mood and reacts to the world around us. It is deep in the brain and surrounded by the outer brain called the cerebrum.

Dopamine, seratonin, adrenaline, cortisol are neurotransmitters (chemical messages sent through nerves). Different chemicals are released in response to objects and situations we are seeing or experiencing. When we are exposed to a stimuli, our brain interprets it, analyzes to see if it is threatening or not and adds an emotional response.

This is why not only does physical stress have physical effects on our body but so does emotional and chemical stress. Any stress will have an effect on our body and how it works. Just think of when you are nervous. You feel nauseas, your legs may shake, feel faint or you may vomit or have digestive pain just to name a few symptoms. This is an emotional reaction that leads to a physical reaction.

The same works with chemical stress. When you eat foods with pesticides or something that your body has an allergic reaction to what happens? You can get stinging eyes, rashes, blisters, rashes, diarrhea, dizziness, severe cramping. This is a chemical reaction that leads to a physical effect.

It is important to get rid of stress because if it is not gone, it will eventually lead to a physical problem. Normally, it will happen to the part of the body that is most damaged or weak.

If you have digestive issues, now it will be enhanced. Headaches may worsen or come more frequently. Back or neck pain may occur more often. You get the picture.

So how does chiropractic help relieve stress?

“Stress stores all the way to the core.” – Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP.

If stress stores and is not released, it will effect the overall health of your body. Chiropractic gets rid of stress that is hiding and releases tension making you feel better and sleep better.

Yoga, Pilates, meditation, exercise, the arts and eating healthy all contribute to health and do help but chiropractic can help anything left over and not able to be released.

When we adjust the body, it not only releases stress but sends signals back and forth to the brain. The brain will then analyze the body and determine how well it is doing. If it is doing well, we move with ease and no pain. If it is not doing well, we get stiff, tight and can have pain, numbness, tingling etc. These are all physical manifestations of stress.

How do you know if you are stressed?

Your body will tell you. You may have a headache, fatigue, digestive issues, sleeping difficulty, tightness. You may find a time where you get a “twinge” or a “pull” when moving. These are all signs (plus a lot more) that your body is stressed and needs help. If you ignore the signs, they will get louder and more severe so seeking out someone quickly before it escalates is key to staying healthy and pain free.

All college, Olympians and professional athletes, get body work. Why? Because they know they perform better and are healthier.

When you see our San Francisco Mission District Chiropractor, your whole body and health will be assessed and handled. Contact us today!


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3:00 pm - 7:00 pm




8:00 am - 12:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm




8:00 am - 12:00 pm



Hours in the mission district, San Francisco

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm